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Daemon Targaryen, his silver hair gleaming under the sunlight, walked through the labyrinthine corridors of the Red Keep in King's Landing. By his side was Maelys, his adopted daughter, her silver hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of moonlight. They approached a set of grand doors leading to Viserys Targaryen's private chambers.

Daemon turned to Maelys with a reassuring smile. "Today, Maelys, you will meet your uncle Viserys. It's essential for you to understand the threads that bind our family together."

Maelys nodded, her emerald eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Daemon pushed open the doors, revealing Viserys immersed in maps and documents. The prince looked up as they entered, his lilac eyes meeting Daemon's with a subtle acknowledgment.

"Viserys," Daemon greeted, "allow me to introduce Maelys, our newest addition and your niece."

Viserys set aside his parchments, standing to face them. "Niece?" he said, a glimmer of surprise in his eyes. "Well, this is a pleasant surprise, you should have warned me beforehand about this meeting,I would have thrown feast, Daemon. "

Daemon gestured for Maelys to step forward. "Maelys, meet Viserys, your uncle. Viserys, this is the young lady I've told you about ."

Viserys observed Maelys with a critical eye, assessing the familial resemblance. "She carries the Targaryen look, I bet she got eyes from her birth mother " he remarked. "Welcome to King's Landing, Maelys."

"Thank you, Uncle Viserys," Maelys replied with a respectful curtsy.

Daemon guided them to a sitting area, the opulent decor reflecting the grandeur of House Targaryen. As they settled, Daemon suggested, "Perhaps we can share stories. Maelys has a tale that might interest you."

Viserys leaned back, intrigued. "Indeed? Well, let's hear it then."

Maelys began to narrate her journey, the mystery of her origins, and the day Daemon had found about her on the streets of Lys. She spoke of the lessons learned, the bond formed with Daemon, and the challenges she faced before meeting daemon, most of them were truth with little lies . Viserys listened, his eyes occasionally flicking to Daemon as if seeking confirmation.

As Maelys spoke, Viserys' demeanor softened. The tale of her resilience and the connection she shared with Daemon seemed to resonate with him. It was a story of family, in a way, something that the Targaryens held dear.

"Your story is quite something, Maelys," Viserys admitted when she finished. "Daemon, you've taken on quite the responsibility."

Daemon nodded, a prideful gleam in his eyes. "Maelys has proven herself resilient and resourceful. She's family, Viserys, and family is what binds us through the storms of history."

Viserys leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, family is a complex tapestry. I have learned that firsthand."

Daemon seized the moment to bridge the gap between Viserys and Maelys. "You both share the blood of House Targaryen. There's strength in unity, in understanding each other's struggles and triumphs."

Viserys glanced between Daemon and Maelys, a realization dawning in his eyes. "Perhaps you're right, Daemon. Family is more than just a name. It's a legacy we carry forward."

Daemon proposed a stroll through the Red Keep's gardens, a quiet place where family could bond away from the prying eyes of the court. As they walked, the tension that often lingered between Targaryens began to dissipate.

Underneath the blooming flowers and ancient trees, Daemon spoke of the challenges facing House Targaryen and the importance of solidarity. Viserys, usually guarded, found himself sharing insights and concerns he hadn't spoken aloud before.

Blood of my Blood ( Rhaenyra targaryen/ alicent hightower -oć)Where stories live. Discover now