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7 years later

Amidst the flickering candlelight, maelys succumbed to the inescapable realm of dreams, where shadows of her past coiled like dragons in slumber. In the ethereal landscape of her mind, she found herself within the scorched remnants of Dragonstone, her ancestral seat.

The air crackled with latent fire, and a haunting silence draped the once majestic halls. Ghostly echoes of her children's laughter reverberated against the blackened walls as if etched into the very stones. Shadows danced in the flickering light, casting grotesque shapes on the charred tapestries that once told the tales of laenaelors glory.

As maelys traversed the desolation, she stumbled upon the silhouette of her wife, her black hair cascading like a shadow of forest . The anguish in her brown eyes mirrored her own, a reflection of the torment that had befallen their house. In this spectral reunion, she reached out, fingers brushing against the void, an ethereal connection severed by fate.

The dream twisted, and the night air became thick with the scent of burning embers. Sinister whispers echoed, revealing the faces of those who had conspired to extinguish the flame of House laenaelors. Shadows took the form of political rivals, their faces contorted with malice, the orchestrators of a tragedy that had shattered the unity of her family.

With a start, maelys awoke, sweat clinging to her brow like the morning dew on Dragonstone. The chill of reality settled in as she grappled with the remnants of the nightmare. The warmth of the chamber was a stark contrast to the cold emptiness that had pervaded her dreams.

As she gathered her senses, the memories of her wife emerged like phoenix flames from the ashes of forgetfulness. She recalled the shared laughter, the whispered promises, and the fiery passion that had bound them together. Maelys's heart, bearing the weight of lost love, yearned for a time when the laenaelors legacy was not tarnished by betrayal.

In the quiet aftermath of the night, maelys sat on the edge of her bed, with the haunting shadows of her past and the indomitable spirit that defined House laenaelors.

Lady maelys rose from her troubled slumber, the remnants of the dream clinging to her consciousness like the tendrils of a ghostly fog. As she paced the dimly lit chamber, the shadows seemed to whisper secrets of the night. It was then that the ethereal presence of Daemon Targaryen, a phantom from the past, materialized before him.

Daemon's figure, veiled in an otherworldly glow, bore the unmistakable features of a Targaryen. His eyes, twin flames of violet, locked onto Maelys's with an intensity that transcended the boundaries of the living. In this surreal convergence of the living and the departed, a conversation unfolded.

Daemon, his voice echoing like distant thunder, spoke with a knowing tone. "Maelys , my friend , the people like us are forever entwined with the threads of fate. What haunts your dreams? "

Maelys , still caught in the grip of the dream's echoes, met Daemon's spectral gaze. "the laughter of my children  and wife echoes through the ruins. I can't even identify the reality from dream "

Daemon nodded, a wistful sorrow in his eyes. "The burdens we carry are the legacy of our, forged in the crucible of power and betrayal. But remember, maelys , the flames of our bloodline endure, resilient against the winds of adversity."

Maelys, wrestling with the ghosts of her past, sought guidance. "Daemon, my dreams unravel the ties that once bound us. What path must I tread to reclaim the glory that has been lost?"

Daemon's form shimmered, a mirage on the edge of existence. "The journey ahead is fraught with challenges, my friend . Seek the truths buried in the embers of memory, for therein lies the key to rekindling the flame. Unite the fractured elements of our houses, and let the dragon's roar echo once more."

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