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Maelys knew her half-brother Maekar well. He was a smart man, clever in his own way, but not nearly as sharp as she was. From a young age, Maekar had learned how to please their father, always choosing his words and actions carefully to win favor. It was a game, one Maelys had long since grown tired of. But it was clear to her that the so-called gift Maekar had recently given her   was the first move in something much bigger. She couldn't yet place her finger on what exactly Maekar was planning, but she knew it would come to light soon enough.

Her thoughts drifted, skipping from Maekar to the complicated web of politics around her. She thought about her stepfather, valarr , and how she had never truly felt a safe  in his company.
Who would she marry? Who would be her ally? These questions haunted her every night, along with thoughts of her place in the world.

Perhaps the Queen had been right about House Calaenor. They were one of the greatest families in the kingdom. Though Maelys had never seen Eraera Calaenor in person, the rumors of the young lady's beauty were widespread. Some said her looks could charm even the most hardened warriors. And then there was House Vaelaenor and Lady Alysella—she wasn't considered as beautiful as Eraera, at least according to court whispers, but she was known for her intellect. Alysella was said to have the sharpest mind among all the noble ladies.

But for Maelys, both ladies were lacking something. Something she saw only in Lady Elaenyra Agatheon. Elaenyra wasn't just beautiful or intelligent—she was ambitious, independent, and powerful. It was that drive, that thirst for power and control, that Maelys craved in another person. She wanted Elaenyra. She needed her, even though the rules of the court and the expectations placed on her as a princess would never allow it.
A sudden knock on her chamber door pulled Maelys from her thoughts.

"Enter," she commanded. The door creaked open, and a servant stepped inside, bowing deeply before speaking.

"Princess," the servant began, "Princess Aelora wishes to see you."

Maelys sighed but nodded. "Let her in."

She turned toward the window, her gaze falling on the city below, now blanketed in snow. The soft white glow of winter felt peaceful, a stark contrast to the turmoil in her heart.

"It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" came Aelora's voice from behind her.

Maelys didn't turn around. "I can't say the same about you."

Aelora smirked as she stepped further into the room. "At least I don't have scars on my face," she retorted, her eyes glinting with mischief.

Maelys slowly turned to face her older sister, her expression hardening. "If you're here to remind me of that, you needn't bother. The pain never leaves me."

"Well deserved," Aelora said, making her way toward Maelys's bed and sitting on its edge. Her eyes never left Maelys's face, watching her carefully. "But that's not why I'm here."

Maelys crossed her arms, growing impatient. "Whatever your reason is, I'm sure it can wait until morning. It's late."

Aelora ignored her sister's dismissive tone and smiled sweetly, though Maelys knew better than to trust that look. "Do you remember when we were nine, and I saved you from that terrible fall? You promised you'd owe me a favor. You said you'd do anything I wanted."

Maelys's eyes narrowed. "That was a long time ago and we were just kids ."

Aelora stood and began walking toward her, a predatory gleam in her eye. "And yet, you're still in my debt."

Maelys took a step back, wary of where this conversation was heading. "What is it that you want, Aelora?"

Aelora came to a stop in front of her, her voice low and smooth. "You."

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