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Every time laenaelor was born dragon's eggs were placed in their crib and hatched instantly . but it was different for maelys, she never got able to have her own , first and only laenaelor who never was able to have dragon. Even her little sister shaera was able to have one, girl who was known by her love for nature, girl who could never hurt bug , was able to claim one of the strongest dragon.

When maelys was still a kid Naerys always tried to convince her that she would be able to become rider someday and so she believed her. but as time passed and she grow up she realized that gods really despised her for her parents mistake. As if making her freak wasn't enough for them.

she was made fun for many reasons, for her manhood, her breast , for being bastard, but none of this matter for her or hurt her mentally , but every time someone brought up how she was not able to be rider like her family members and ancestors it made her feel sad,jealousy and angry. She hated gods who give her chance to live just for her to suffer, she never asked for it.

She once tried to claim galinda one of the oldest dragons who ever lived in laenaelors kingdom, galinda was known to be Renaehnae laenaelor dragon, after renaehnae's death galinda was never claimed nor did she let anyone to be her rider, she was rarely seen by people. So when maelys heard stories about great galinda, strongest dragon in relam, she tried anything and everything to find her, But sadly she wasn't even able to caught sight of it. After few years of trying she finally give up and thought that she probably wasn't strong enough to be rider.

Which brings us to when her wedding with lady Elaenyra and their unforgettable night together happened. Elaenyra was expecting a baby, baby who would be first grandchild of king. Words cannot describe how happy king and his true love felt after hearing news. After baby was born and dragons egg was placed in her crib,maelys thought that kid was not be able to have dragon just like her. but to her surprise egg was hatched day after princess was born. And for the first time after years she felt blessed, after all her daughter would never experience same fate as she did. She loved her child like no one could, she promised that she would give world to her, even its was meant to end her life.

Maelys never imagined herself as heir, she didn't even want to be called princess. Living in forest with her wife and child, where no other person would be, having small garden and pets, that all she dreamed about.

It's all started with her wife's father who poisoned her mind, saying that her daughter deserves more than being called bastard's child, which somehow worked. For the first time in years she got power hungry, it wasn't for power but for fear, fear of being powerless, fear of not being able to protect her child and wife from her enemies. So she decided to go against her brother, but her plan didn't even had chance to be accomplished nor started, After lady Elaenyra knew what her father have done, she got furious. She never wanted to be married for politics, she admired maelys and feel in love with her, she thought that maelys would never be turned into the power hungry person. hearing what her father and maelys planned she got scared, she didn't wanted to risk her childs life. She love Maelys with everything in her but that was nothing compared to love she hold for her child,so she run away, as far as she could with her child.

Maelys was once again left with nothing, which made her feel like more useless than she ever felt before. She started drinking, sleeping with whores and sometimes even starting fights with commoner, which mostly end up with her being badly beaten, not like she ever tried to protect herself. She wanted to feel at least something.

that when aelora decided to play her little dirty games, she used maelys when she was most weakened, drowned in wine and not in her right mind. She knew that it was time for her to finally accomplish something she  started but didn't had chance to do before.

Years after prince maekars wedding with his sister aelora, they still couldn't produce heir. One day It was announced by prince that his sister wife was pregnant by his child. His heir.

Baby was born during storm. Baedagor  laenaelor first of his name. Healthy , strong and handsome boy with hair color like clouds and eyes like wild forest. No one but saera other than her daughter knew reason behind it but she never dared to say thing, scared of what would happen if king heard about cruelty her child have done.

even after being warned by her mother, aelora didn't stopped what she did that night, as it was some kind of drug she got addicted to and after prince Baedagor, she give birth to twins boys Aevor and Baevor. afther twins, Princess was finally able to give birth to their first daughter Maessa who was immediately promised to her big brother Baedagor and lastly their second daughter named manaelys. if you would ask someone who didn't know who were parents of this  kids , they would say that they were copy of bastard princess , maelys.

When queen saera realized that her daughter would never stop what she was doing , she made sure that princess maelys was sent away as far as she could. Scared that not only her daughter's life but as well as her grandchildrens lifes would be destroyed or worse. she always hated maelys, but that never stopped her love toward her grandchildrens, she loved them as strong as she did her own childs.

At first king was against it, he didn't see any reason why maelys should be separated from family. he was also scared that she wouldn't be able to protect herself. he even had fight with his wife, saying that if she would dared to say one more word about maelys, she would lost her head.

but saera made sure to change his mind without saying anything by trapping maelys in one of the tavern, where she committed the biggest crime, and this time not even king could protect his child from being punished. killing someone was one of the biggest crime in relam, it was going against their beliefs, they believed that if man didn't die during battle then only god could take his life .

Maelys as always was drunk and was busy with some whore in tavern, when unknown man approached her, at first she didn't even give him any mind, till he mentioned her run away wife and child. Saying he have seen how she was  enjoying being fucked by many man, when her child was playing nearby.

King had no other choice after that, but to agree his wife, telling his beloved sister that it would put  maelys  in big danger if she would stay here. So he made sure  that he would send her as far as possible.

That how Maelys ended up with prince daemon, man who took her as his own child and helped her to get better.  none but only daemon knew her true identity in seven kingdoms, for people she was daemon's bastard child.

Blood of my Blood ( Rhaenyra targaryen/ alicent hightower -oć)Where stories live. Discover now