4- house

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Chapter 4


I waited in the library soon as the bell rings. My leg shook nervously and I try to shake away the anxiety but all I could think about was seeing him.

Ugh. Why am I acting this way?

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, checking the time on my phone he should've been here by now.

"Where is he? That asshole better not blow you off," my best friend Mira sits next to me.

"Chill," I told her. Jeez, she doesn't even know him and she's already this aggressive.

"He's so weird though Nova, what do you see in him," she flips pages in a magazine.

I sigh. "For the last time we're just partners." It was nothing between us, it never will be.

"Sure," she pops her bubblegum. "Partners don't meet up secretly in the library."

I whip my head. "Not together." My phone vibrates with a message.

Sorry couldn't make it, see you at lunch? 9:56am.

I sigh and liked the message. He couldn't have said this before I was late to class.

"Let's go," I say grabbing my things. "I'm seeing him at lunch."

"If he blows you off again Nova, I'm kicking him in the balls." Mira warns and I laugh.

At least I'll see him lunch and last block.


I was here again in the library waiting. By this time I'd already forgotten what I needed to tell him the first place.

The library was always full during Lunch, all the quiet kids came here when the cafeteria was too much for them. I was one of them.

"Should I go on a date with him?" Mira shoved her phone in my face and it's some picture of a guy with ginger colored hair and brown eyes.

"Who is that?" I ask. I've never seen him in my life.

"Malik, he goes to school on the North side," she smiles.

I grab her phone and take another look, he's cute.

"Definitely." I say and she smiles. The guys in the North side are way more better looking especially the dark skin guys. I love me a chocolate man but I don't really have a type.

I check my phone and lunch is almost over in ten minutes. There's no way he blew me off again?

I'm in the library.

"I hope he isn't blowing you off again," Mira says and I roll my eyes.

My leg begins to shake and I can't help but to think that he isn't coming and to just leave. I start to grab my things together. I wait a little longer just in case but when it came down to four minutes, I knew he wasn't coming.

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