Chapter 12- gone

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Chapter 12


Sean sat on the edge of my bed covered in bruises and scratches, he hasn't said a word just sitting running his fingers through his dirty hair.

"Are your parents home?" He asks.

I check my phone. "They will be soon."

He struggles to get up. "I should go."

"No." I stop him. "Not until you give me answers and tell me what's up." I stood in front of him with my arms crossed. He sat back on my bed and let out a deep sigh.

"It was a mistake coming here," he mumbles and I feel a sting in my chest.

"Why did you come here then?" I ask trying to mask the pain in my voice.

He shrugs. "I had nowhere else to go." His voice cracks when he spoke and it sorta makes me look at him in a different light.

"What happened?" I ask again in hopes he'll tell me this time.

He takes a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair once more.

"Me and my dad got into a fight," he says never looking at me. I sit down beside him, taking his hand in mine which was also covered in scratches.

"You can stay if you want," I say disregarding that this is my parents house and they should also have a say but my dad wouldn't approve of this. I'll be ten feet under if he finds out a boy was in my room without his knowing.

"What about your parents?" He asks.

"They won't have to know." Hopefully they won't find out.

He shakes his head. "I can't."

My heart sinks. Here I am ready to risk everything but I didn't care. He came to me for help and I'm going to do just that.

"I'll be back."

I left my room and went to Nyla's who was playing video games with Heather. I knock but she didn't look up, too invested.

"When mom and dad get back tell them I didn't feel good and went to bed and not to check on me because I'm dangerously sick," I say which caught her attention.

"Why? Is there a boy in your room?" She coos. She knows me too well and I hate it.

"Please just do it," I sigh.

"What's in it for me?" She cocks her eyebrow not even caring about the game anymore.

"We can get ice cream everyday after school." I say.

"I'm not a kid Nova," she rolls her eyes and I scoff.

"Well, what do you want?" I ask, instantly regretting it. She thinks about it before smiling.

"You have to order me and Heather food whenever she comes over."

Heather snaps her head towards me. "You don't have-"

"Hush," my sister stops her.

I sigh. "Fine, text me what you want." As long as she keeps her mouth shut I'm fine.

I go into the bathroom and wet a warm rag and grab some bandages. When I walked into my room, I pushed my door shut and locked it. I'll deal with my dads mouth tomorrow.

Sean sat on the floor as I pulled the shirt over his head. My eyes go wide as his back was even worse, his skin was turning a dark purple and the blood from the scratches was beginning to dry up.

My chest was heavy as I cleaned his cuts because he flinches every time. Was it really just a fight or was it a beating? Does this happen often? I had so many questions but I doubt he'd answer them right now.

I've never seen anything like this and it was honestly pretty scary, I couldn't imagine getting into a fight with my dad and this is how my body will look afterwards.

I continue to wipe the blood and some dried blood and wiped his knuckles, wrapping up his hand.

"Do you always fight?" I ask. He nods his head without looking at me.

"Thank you," he mumbles.

"How come you weren't at school today?" I ask.

"Didn't feel like going."

I was done cleaning him and went into my closet to find him a shirt.

"I can't stay here Nova," he says as I came out with a black over sized tee.

"Why not?" The hurt was evident in my tone. Even though I knew it would be best if he left, I didn't want him to. I had this urge to protect him now but I know that's impossible.

"I don't want to risk anything with your parents and my friend is letting me borrow the safe house," he puts the shirt on and grab his hoodie.

Safe house?

"Can I come?" The question came out too fast before I could process it and for the first time he finally looked at me, his eyes were red and puffy. I've never seen him like this, never seen him show any type of emotion so this was all new.

"What about your parents?" He asks. I was grabbing my things and sent a quick text to my sister.

"You sure you want to?" He asks looking a bit surprised that I actually want to.

For some reason, I'm not even sure if I really want to but what I do know is that I wanted so badly to be near him.

We left my room and hurried down the stairs because my parents could be back any minute. There was a car parked outside and I thought we were done for but Sean pulled out keys and unlocked it. I quickly got in, the car was cold.

"I didn't know you had a car," I say, never once seen him drive to school.

"It's not mine," he starts and pull off from the side.

Somehow I felt as if I was grounded and I'm disobeying my parents even though that isn't really the case. I decided not to come up with a lie as to why I'm not there in case they do check but they will be on my ass when I come home tomorrow.

"Aren't your parents gonna be really mad?" Sean asks.

I shrug. "What they don't know won't hurt them." Even though in the back of my mind they're gonna flip once they find out I'm gone.

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