Problems and Solutions

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Jacklyn sat in a chair in front of the principal with her arms crossed. Next to her was Sloane, who was forcing an unnaturally innocent look on her face.

The principal sighed up, "I'll ask again; would anyone like you explain what happened."

Liam looked at Sloane; Sloane looked at Jacklyn; silence.

Sloane seemed to be unable to contain herself. She jumped out of her chair and pointed at Jacklyn, "She hit me!" she cried dramatically.

"Seriously?" Jacklyn remarked irritably, "You tried to punch me; my reaction was in the matter of self defense!"

The principal agreed with Sloane, "If you were defending yourself, then why was Sloane the one who got hurt?"

Jacklyn stammered, "Well, it's not my fault that Sloane can't fight!"

"But it is your fault for hitting Sloane." the principal remarked in a matter-of-factly voice.

Anna piped in quietly, "Sloane started the fight, and Jacklyn didn't slap her too hard."

"Stay out of this." Jacklyn snapped.

"Yes," the principal began, "I actually think Anna and Liam may go. This matter is between you two." she said, gesturing towards Jacklyn and Sloane.

The two shuffled out of the office, leaving Jacklyn and Sloane glaring at each other. "You know, Ms. Chen-"

Jacklyn cut off the principal, "It's Jacklyn."

"Please don't interrupt me." she ordered sternly, "As I was saying before, I really thought that you'd changed, Ms. Chen. With the donation and everything, I don't know, I though you might be changing your ways."

Jacklyn scoffed as her volume raised, "Ways! What ways? Here Sloane is acting like she's some angel while I'm being lectured about my so-called malicious ways, when she's the reason we're here!"

"Lower your voice please. And don't act like you're a saint yourself; I heard that it wasn't your first time in that jail-"

"Have you already forgotten?" Jacklyn exclaimed, "I didn't break the window!"

Sloane scoffed, "She seems guilty to me." she sneered as she admired her nails.

"Why do you even care?" Jacklyn yelled.

Sloane gave her a side eye, "You think I care about you?"

"Oh, shut up. I never did anything to you and you still hate me."

"No I DON'T!"


Sloane got out of her seat, "Fine! You want an answer? I'm intimidated by you! And jealous! And I hate how confident you are! Why do you have to be so sure of yourself-"

The principal interrupted the two, "Girls, I think I know what needs to happen." they stared at the principal, awaiting her solution, "You will both come to friendship counseling once a week." their mouths dropped in fury, "I will have one of our school psychiatrists meet you every Monday after school."

"We have a school psychiatrist?" Sloane remarked uncertainly.

 "Um-" she tilted her head, "I guess I'll need to fix that."

The two girls nodded, knowing that there was no point in arguing. However, they left the office with a chilling intensity that followed them down the hallway and out of the school. 

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