motel - bill

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Silence filled the car as Bill quietly stared at the road infront him.

The silence suddenly breaks as we hear a series of thunder and lighting clap through sky, hard rain hitting the car.

"Bill, I know your mad but we can't keep driving in this weather." I sigh out. Bill and I had got into a fight because I had brought up and old embarrassing story about him at a meet and greet. It was light hearted but he was hurt and now mad at me. We left the band to head home from the city but there was now a big storm.

Bill had always been pretty sensitive about things like this, he took things to heart but I liked that about him. It was just that at times I forgot.

He glances at me before turning back to the road.

"Bill, seriously!" I say sharply as he sighs, quickly turning the car into a parking lot. I looks up to see a small motel facing us. I look at him, curious to see what we're going to do.

"Let's just go." He says in a small voice, nodding towards the motel as I nod as well.

We step out of the car, grabbing our bags as we make our way inside.

We check in and find our room as he opens it, walking in.

It was around 2AM already so we didn't shower. I sigh softly as I start ti change.

 I sigh softly as I start ti change

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I flop into bed, guilt seeping through me as I see Bill emerge from the bathroom, his hair cutely messed up and wet from the rain. He walks over to the bed, and innocent look on his eyes as he flops down next to me.

It's silent for awhile before I turn to him, seeing his adorable expression looking up at the ceiling.

"Baby, C'mere," I coo softly as I smile, opening my arms for him. He buries his face in my neck as I feel him melt into my arms, breathing softly.

I kiss the top of his head, hearing a small muffled whimper from him.

"Baby.." I laugh softly, rubbing his back.

"Don't laugh, Ella! It's not funny." He mumbles into my neck.

"I'm not, I'm not laughing." I say, kissing his head again.

He looks up at me, looking at me with his doe eyes.

"I'm sorry, angel, it was just a joke I wasn't really thinking." I say, looking down at him. "I'm sorry." I say pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"'s okay." He mumbles softly, leaning back into my neck. I smile softly down at him.

"Go to bed, okay? I love You." I say into his hair.

"I love You."

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