fight - bill

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My boyfriend Bill was a totally famous rockstar which was super cool, but also had downsides.

I mean, I got to go on tour with him, he could sing to me, but, he was away a lot, always at interviews, and most importantly, girls all over him.

Usually, I'm totally chill with girls all over him, because I trust him and he's amazing at reassuring me, but sometimes it's hard not to feel insecure and let it get to me.

Today, Tom and Bill had a signing to go to, so me and Gustav were just chilling behind them, talking about random shit.

Suddenly, I hear a loud and annoying high pitched voice.

"Oh my god, Bill!" She smiles sweetly as I catch her eyes on me while I spin on my chair with Gustav, just messing around until I catch her eyes, looking back at her.

"Can you sign my bra?!" She grins.

"Oh uhm..sorry I'm not very comfortable." He looks down sheepishly.

"C'mon or like sign my ass or something." She says bending over and arching her back.

That slut!

I jump up, that was it. I get up and walk up to her, feeling Bill's hands on me but shrugging him off as I get closer.

"Listen, whore. If you try to get my boyfriend to sign your flat ass or some shit again I'm gonna fucking fight your ass." I spat.

"Come on, I'm sure he'd rather have me over you anyway. Right Billy?" She smiles.

Before I had the chance to think I swung, punching her hard in the nose.

"Slut!" I shout as she falls over.

A few people laugh, a few cheer, and some give me dirty looks.

Suddenly the embarrassment sinks in as I realize what I had just done. I looked like an insecure little slut!

"Ella.." Bill sighs softly but embarrassment gets the best of me as I quickly run off to our hotel room.

I flop down on my bed, huffing softly as hot tears stream down my face. I pick at my lips, just laying there for a bit before I hear the door open and Bill walk in.

"Baby..." He coos as he walks in. I sniffle, hiding my face in the blankets. He sits next to me.

"C'mere.." He murmurs, pulling my head into his lap.

"What was that?" He asks softly in a sweet tone, as he leans down and kisses my forehead "Hm?"

" 'm sorry.." I mumble.

"It's okay baby.." he coos. "I know it's hard to see girls like this, but they just want attention." He soothes, stroking my hair back softly. I sniffle and smile softly up at him.

"Okay, my love?" He murmurs as I nod.

"C'mere" he whispers pulling me into a tight hug. I breath in his scent as I close my eyes, relaxing into his embrace. I feel him press a warm kiss on my head.

"I love you, you know that right?" He says softly.

I nod. "I love you too baby.." I grin softly as he pecks my lips.

"C'mon let's just relax for a bit, I think we've both had a long day." He chuckles softly as we lay down and get situated in the comfy bed.

I hum softly as he wraps his warm arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Thank you, so so much my love." I whisper.

"Mmm, of course, angel." He hums and kisses my head.


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