Chapter I: NYC & Hollywood

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jenna ortega x g!poc

chapter summary: your best friend Davis takes you to a movie premiere and the after party where you meet hollywood newest "IT" girl.

chapter warnings: semi-famous!reader, smut, and mature language

chapter word count: 5.1k

chapter song: too deep - dvsn

chapter song: too deep - dvsn

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MARCH 2023

"Back the fuck up, move the fuck back, back the fuck up, move the fuck back" Your best friend, Davis shouted the lyrics at the top of his lungs. You were sitting next to him recording him for your YouTube channel trying to contain your laughter.

The two of you were on your way to the red carpet premiere of a new movie Davis was in, Scream 6. Usually, you tend to stay away from red-carpet premieres because it ain't your thing but you wanted to support Davis. The two of you have been friends since the 1st grade. Through thick and thin, you've been through it all with each other.

He begged you to come with him to the red carpet, at first you declined but then he used puppy dog eyes and told you a vlog of the event will get you views. You caved in. He offered to get you a stylist and everything but you declined. You wanted to do it yourself and you don't think you did that bad.

 You wanted to do it yourself and you don't think you did that bad

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( ^ your outfit )

"Don't come to Bronx with that shit 'cause we ain't fuckin' with that shit" Davis shouted into the camera just as the video stopped recording. You looked up and saw the driver kept glancing at y'all in the rearview mirror with a scowl on his face.

I guess you were too ghetto for him...ANYWAY.

Soon y'all pulled up to the place and immediately was hit with bright camera flashes and semi-screaming fans. Security got out first then Davis, then you, and then his manager Jerry. They led y'all to the carpet where fans were behind a barrier. You stayed next to Jerry while Davis went to take pictures with the fans.

NYC X HOLLYWOOD - jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now