Chapter V: Spontaneous Outing & Familial Avoidance

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jenna ortega x g!poc

chapter summary: jenna avoids talking to her family. Jah plans a spontaneous outing for Jenna.

chapter warnings: mature language, smut, tiny bit of violence

chapter word count: 6.0k words

chapter songs: at your best (you are love) - aaliyah | i want you - luke james (part where jah sings in the club)

chapter songs: at your best (you are love) - aaliyah | i want you - luke james (part where jah sings in the club)

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"'re pregnant?"

Those words coming out of her mother's mouth made all the air in Jenna's body disappear. Nervousness filled her and tears started to fill her eyes. At the sight, you instantly stood up from leaning against the car.

"What happened?" You mouthed in concern to her.

"Hello? Jenna?"

Jenna stepped away, "How did you find out?"

It was quiet on the other side for a moment, "So it's are pregnant."

"Yeah, Mom I am. Listen I was going to call you and Dad and tell you guys but I had other things to handle first" Jenna explained.

"Handle? What things needed to be handled first? I get a call at one in the morning while on break at work from Hudson. My heart done fell out of my ass because I thought something bad happened to you-"

"Wait, wait Hudson called you and told you?" Jenna questioned.

"Yes. Told me that you got pregnant by some hoodlum. Who is this person anyway? You never mentioned you were seeing anyone" Natalie asked.

Jenna looked at you, you were glancing at her with concern and confusion. You saw that her face contorted into something that kinda scared you...and turned you on.

"Mom I have to go but I promise I will call you back and explain everything," Jenna said.

Jenna didn't wait for her mother to reply before she hung up the phone. Her walk back to you was full of annoyance and frustration.

"What happ-"

"I need to go somewhere" Jenna interrupted you and texted Big L to go home. As she passed you, she took the keys out of your hand.

"Uh..." That was all you were able to say as Jenna got into the driver's seat. Sensing the anger radiating from her, you just decided to follow her. You hopped in the car and Jenna pulled off immediately.

After a deathly silent drive to NoHo, you quickly arrive in front of a luxury loft apartment building. Jenna turned off the car and quickly hopped out. You were right on her heels.

She walked into the lobby where she was greeted by a doorman.

"Good evening Ms. Ortega" The doorman greeted.

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