Chapter X: New Environments & News

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jenna ortega x g!poc

chapter summary: jah finds herself in a new environment. jenna tries to adjust to the loneliness with the help of a friend.

chapter warnings: mature language

chapter word count: 2.2k

chapter songs: good life by kanye west & t-pain

chapter songs: good life by kanye west & t-pain

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Hertfordshire, England
May 2023
3:30 pm (GMT)

Jenna sat alone in her trailer, the first time she's been alone in the last week. Usually, people would run in and out of the trailer for various reasons. But today, the weather forced the shoot date to end early for everyone. She sat by the window as she watched the English rain pound against the glass, caught in her racing thoughts. Her brown doe eyes focused as a lone raindrop slid down the glass taking different paths and angles to reach its final destination.

The young pregnant woman was extremely bored waiting for her driver to come pick her up from set. She tried calling you but you didn't answer and that's when she realized that it was currently 10 am in New York. You were most likely asleep especially since she watched you stream until like 4 am Eastern Time last night.

Suddenly, a knock breaks Jenna from her thoughts. She sighed thinking it was just another make-up artist or stylist coming in to gather the rest of their belongings but when she opened the door, she was slightly shocked to see Hudson.

"Oh great, you're awake. I would've thought you would be dead asleep" Hudson smiled.

"Nope just about dead from boredom" Jenna replied and moved out the way so Hudson could come in.

"I can tell by the look on your face and...your whole demeanor" Hudson playfully responded and closed the door behind him. He pulled off his raincoat and then took a seat on the small couch behind Jenna.

Meanwhile, Jenna grabbed her phone and sat back in the chair. She opened the TikTok app and immediately she was hit with a video of you. It was a clip of one of your YouTube videos that had gone viral recently. It didn't help with her need for you but she pushed it away.

Hudson noticed her demeanor and sighed, "Look so, uh, I was thinking we haven't hung out in a while like we used to and we're in England so I figured we could...I don't know explore a foreign city a little. There's a cafe I saw one night that's not far from here. Do you uh...wanna go check it out?"

Jenna thought about it for a moment. She knew she needed a much-needed distraction from everything. But she was hesitant about going with Hudson especially after he betrayed her trust by running his mouth to her mother. But she needed to do something so she doesn't into her head and lose her way like before. She needed to do something.

"Yeah sure let's do it" Jenna agreed and grabbed her bag and other items she needed. A huge smile grew on Hudson's face as he jumped up from the couch excitedly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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