Chapter I

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beep beep beep!

Satoru's POV

okay, so that was just a dream. Holy shit, it was so vivid that I fell for it. Lately, I've been dreaming about Y/n more often. I guess I miss her too much. But of course, I won't tell everyone about that! Y/n is the one who's missing me... And - oh, who is this? Oh yeah, that slut that I pulled from the bar.

I should get going now before she can open her eyes. Bitch would beg for me to stay and it would be too annoying if I don't take action while it's still early in the morning.

Good morning, Y/n....

3rd POV

He sighed as he put his shirt on and the flip-flops he just threw around the corner of the room.

He sighed again as he caressed your picture in his wallet that contained his legendary black card.

"I still love you, Y/n... come back to me. " he then kissed the picture and placed it— the wallet— right back in his pocket

Today was Satoru's day off, and he wasn't enjoying it to the least. Instead, he went to Jujutsu high and paid Shoko a visit. He knows she's suffering too, but he didn't have the energy to talk to her. But today was the day that they would at least catch up.

The parade left sorcerers at lost. Some of them cried as they lost their friends and colleagues. But Jujutsu faculty stood strong as Satoru, and Yaga was still there.

He was talking with Shoko when he remembered what he dreamt about.

"I really don't know why if this is a dream or not... but I think I saw her. On a flower shop near some sweet stalls. It was so realistic that I don't know what to say. Maybe she misses me too much to the point... she visits me on my sleep?"

"Satoru, that's not how it works..."


"..I heard Megumi saying the same thing when he went here talking with the vessel." She added

"You mean Itadori?"

"Oh yeah, my bad."

"What am I gonna do Shoko? I've got nothing. Well, I have you I know, but Y/n..."

"Then try to go there. You know, the flower shop. Recall your 'dreams' or ask Megumi to go with you."

"I'll take that in consideration. And now, I shall be on my way to make sure if that was all a dream or nah." He got up from his seat then fixing some sheets that he played with as he and Shoko talked about work and daily work and work, work, work.

"I still believe Y/n is still somewhat out there... I hope."

She lightly smiled at Satoru as he bid farewell to her.

𝙉𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙤 偽者 (𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡)Where stories live. Discover now