Chapter II

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3rd POV

You were tending to the flowers outside. Until the same man who approached you 2 weeks ago was approaching you again. Claiming he was your 'husband'.

"Uhm, you got me wrong, Mr... I'm not married. I'm too young for that." You chuckled nervously

"I'm 17, and that's super impossible... right Mr...?" You smiled awkwardly at him, which caused him to make a face that surely freaked you out.

His eyes widened his breath fastening, almost looking like a total psycho when he moved his face closer to you—shoving himself for you to look at him like he was your husband. You were afraid that he was on drugs, so you ran inside the shop in hopes of your 'parents' protecting you.

"m-mom, there's an insane man outside saying that he's my husband!" You ran into your 'Father' 's arms seeking for comfort and protection.

"I'll take care of this matter. Honey, make sure no one surrounds the area."

Your 'mother' hummed in response.

"Baby girl, you stay here with mom, alright? I'll have a talk with this 'man' outside. " He ruffled your hair as he kissed your forehead.

You hummed in response.

Some minutes passed. Your 'Mother' was saying comfort words to calm you down.

"Mom... what if he comes barging in here while I'm all alone? Will he do something to me? Am I even safe here?"

"Shhh, sweetheart, of course. You're always safe here with me. I'll never let that man touch you. Not a single hair on your scalp." She then kissed your head as you hugged her tight

Your 'Father' came back sighing. You looked at him in hopes that he would get rid of the man that was scaring you.

"I talked some sense into him. He's very stubborn. But if anything happens to our girl, he'll sure shoulder the situation. I already gave him a warning. I hope he won't do anything stupid as to kidnap you on some circumstances." He pulled out a box of opened cigarettes and lit up one stick. Indicating he is stressed about the current situation.

"Dad, please don't stress yourself. I am sure that he'll understand that he may be talking to the wrong person. Or just because I had the same name as his wife." You looked up, not wanting your 'Mother' to let go of you.

"Will you smoke outside, honey? Smoke will affect my flowers inside." Your 'Mother' sternly spoke to Shiu.

"Just once, I really need it."

"Given the current situation, guess I'll let your smoking behavior slide this time. But next time, I'll burn all your cigarettes before you know it."

"Well, you did just tell me.  You're so stern, honey. Loosen up a bit, will you?" He chuckled at your 'Mother'.

"I just can't sit down and be so carefree like you when our daughter is being stalked by a weird guy just outside our flower shop -"

"To correct you, YOUR  flower shop. Not 'we', me and Y/n-chin both don't own this place. It's for you, baby. Your place."

Your 'Mother' just sighed, knowing she can't argue with the man.

"She's real Shoko. She's alive!! I saw her earlier at the same flower shop. But do you know Fushiguro Toji? his agent was there. Pretending to care Y/n's ass for their later use. Seemed like they were taking care of her for these past few months that passed by." The white-haired man looked down upon his feet, not liking the situation that he was in.

"How come she's isn't with you then?" Shoko spoke as she took her gloves off.

"Well, it was a long story. She is Y/n, I am sure of it. But looking back at her now, there's something in her that is making her different from who she was." Satoru posed in a thinking position.

"Maybe she's not really Y/n. There's a very rare situation where you have met people with the same face and even same names.I experienced that with Haibara. I guess I was missing him a bit too much to the point that I manifested him to enter the living world once again." She chuckled at her own theory.

"I can feel her energy. She's Y/n, no doubt. I just gotta figure out what the 'thing' that is preventing me to read Y/n!"

"Can't see through people?" She once again chuckled.

"Don't stress yourself, Satoru. Not always you'll get to read people like an open book." She took a seat at the opposite side of the table facing Satoru.

"Noo, uh uh I can ALWAYS  read people. See? I'm the strongest. The honorable one! That sentence is bullshit Shoko."

"Whatever. You going wild on clubs again?" Shoko sighed at him.

"Well, if I DID, which is obviously yes, then what are you 'gon do 'bout it? Nothing, right? Yeah?  Haah  being the strongest and the BEST is the best!" He spoke in a cheeky tone.

"I was wondering if I could tag along for a drink... I guess not"  She shrugged her shoulders.

"Stressed, I see. careful out there girl, ya won't know whose hands're gon be gripping on ya"

Shoko hummed in response.

" Bu' lets just forget I said that. I know you'll just be lazyn' around, I know you" he grinned at the lady.

But Shoko just rolled her eyes on him.

𝙉𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙤 偽者 (𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡)Where stories live. Discover now