Chapter VI

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"YOU'RE?!" Kugisaki started.

"MARRIED.." Yuji followed.

"TO HIM?!!"  They both exclaimed.

The boy named Megumi sighed at the sight of his two classmates/friends.

"And you?!" Kugisaki looked at Megumi, threatening him.

"You knew?!" Yuji followed.

"Shut up, you're both so annoying." He replied to them with his grumpy face buried in his phone.

"Are they...hmm, Pinky? Kugi-chin? Are you alright?"

Kugisaki's eyes were darkened by the shadows formed by her bangs.

"I should be the one asking you that... Are you alright Y/n-san with him as your husband? Yes, I know he's handsome..." Kugisaki explained her thoughts to you then Satoru butted in.

"Why thank you-" And is interrupted by Kugisaki.

"But... meh. I hope your nerves stayed intact and won't explode. Stay youthful Y/n-san." She winked at you.

"Hmm... Kugisaki, why do you think she agreed to marry me?"

"I don't know, you put a spell on her?"


You spit out the drink you were sipping at the side as you looked at Satoru in disbelief.

"I am very much offended with your topic." You said, your voice sent shivers down to Kugisaki, Yuji, and even on Megumi's spines.

"Baby, don't be. As far as I know, you fell first."

"Hm? Then I'd be much more offended. Oh, if only I could retrieve my memories right now. I could bravely slap you with it." You looked at Satoru with your bitch face, which he would always encounter back then. 

The crowd has been watching all of you and laughing too.

"Awee, they look like a happy family." One said.

"I wish my family is as happy as that." Another one said.

"I guess they really have good genes. Runs in the blood as they say." And another one stated.

"We look like a happy family." Megumi was supposed to be mumbling to himself, but his voice got a bit louder and the other ones have heard it.

"Aweee, Megumi senpai. What has gotten over you? You suddenly became hmmm...  soft." Yuji awe-d at Megumi's cute behaviour.

"I was just saying what I heard from the people."

"I didn't asked... so you're really being soft." Kugisaki butted in.

"I wasn't talking to you." He retorted back at Kugisaki.

"G-guys... we should be on our best behaviour. Look at Y/n-san, she's really quiet."

"YOU started it."  Kugisaki and Megumi blamed Yuuji.

"No no, I'm good. I'm just watching you three." You chuckled 

"You all look so adorbs." All of them stared at you with admiration in their eyes as you smiled at them with loving eyes.

'Y/n-san is really gorgeous with a smile on. She should smile more often...' Kugisaki thought to herself, awe-strucked by your beauty.

'Y/n-san... she really do look pretty when she smile. Ahhh, how to be lucky like Gojo sensei.' Yuji said to himself and turned into a chibi.

'Y/n... I miss your smile. I wish I could still make you happy with my company like how I did back then... and Tsumiki... my sister...' Megumi's thoughts ran again about his bedridden sister.

"Okay kids, stop staring at my wife. I know her beauty is ethereal ESPECIALLY when she smiles. BUt, but BBut! Don't worry, you'll see me everyday so, I know you won't miss her." He winked and Kugisaki glared at the white-haired man.

"I wish your baby's behaviour would come from their mom. I don't want an another little Gojo Satoru running around telling people to bow over him." She joked with a straight face on.

"Makes sense..." Yuji agreed.

You just chuckled at their behavior.

"Say Y/n...s-san..." Megumi hesitatingly called out to you.

"Yes dear?" You answered.

"What did you mean 'Retrieve you memories' " ?


Damn it Gojo oldie white hair ARGHHHHH. If you hadn't bought this shit up... urgh. Great... I would have had fun with the kids right now, but you decided to just randomly climb in my fucking window. What is wrong with that man. he's handsome and all but... arghhhh. If only I could lay my hands on that hair, I'll pull it to Osaka.

Okay Y/n... calm down. How do I supposed to tell tha kid what happened... if I actually don't know what happened- 

you were cut off from your thoughts with Gojo answering the question from you.



"Well, remember the parade dear Megumi? Yeah?... I'll talk to  you later." 

"HUhhhhh? Why only him? Why don't you share it with us toooo." Yuji complained.

"Talk about favoritism." Kugisaki rolled her eyes as she teased Megumi.

"I would be surprised if you became a 'teacher's favorite' with that attitude of yours." Megumi teased back.

You pretended to be lost on your thoughts as Gojo started to share a surface of the past.

You listened in on him. You could tell that he was being genuine, with the way his voice softened up. 

'I think, now I know why we're married.'  You thought to yourself as you try to catch a glimpse of him without letting the others notice you... ESPECIALLY Gojo himself.

"Y/n!.... And YOU-!" A man shouted as he looked at you in shock and had his index finger pointing at the white-haired man. 

You grew pale.

' 'Father?!' '

𝙉𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙤 偽者 (𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡)Where stories live. Discover now