Chapter VII

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"I told you, even if he treats you differently some other time... remember, he's evil. I don't get it why are you with him just right now, when a few weeks ago, you were terrified of him." Your 'Father' lectured you inside the car.

"Papa I'm in love with a criminal~"  You sang teasing your 'Father' as he drove.

(Criminal- Britney Spears)

"And you even have the guts to make a joke out of it..." He sighed as he looked at you in the rearview mirror. 

"Dad, loosen up. Nothing happened and that's what matters." You crossed your arms over each other looking back at your 'Father's' angry eyes.

"And what if something bad happened? And also, Ms. Y/n, why was he inside your room?" His voice grew darker as he drove across the busy street of Tokyo. 

You were unable to answer his question. You kept quiet as your 'Father' massaged his temple as he encountered a traffic. A long, traffic

You both endured the loud silence and the huge tension going around the atmosphere inside the car. As more vehicle joined the traffic, the more nosier the street gets... and the silence kept getting loud.

You were about to say something but you just brushed it off. He won't listen to you anyway. 

You heard his fingers tapping the steering wheel of the car as he lit up one of his cigarette. Opening the window in his side to let the smoke out. You watched him do his 'anti-stress' routine while internally cussing through your breath since his cigarette smells so bad.

Ringgg, ringggg, riiing! There is an incoming call please pick u-

Before the ringtone stopped he picked the phone up.

"Okay, have guards around our house, and make sure, next time Y/n wouldn't be able to invite a guy over. Especially that white haired guy named Gojo Satoru. He may be planning something bad against my 'Daughter'.  I'll pay you handsomely if you did your job right.... okay... thank you for your service, good luck handling my 'Daughter' while I'm gone.... okay, bye." He demanded.

You were taken aback by his sudden words, the sudden phone call...

'Guards? Around the house? Which house? Our house? handling He's gone? When?! What the hell, I'm old enough to handle myself!! Heck I can even go to a bar and get drunk all night. Pfft, this must be a joke.'  You thought to yourself scoffing and rolling your eyes at the back of your 'Father'

"I'm sure you heard me, Y/n... I need you to be on safe hands. I don't want any guys coming over our house, because me and your mother will attend some business conference, at America. Be good for the guards. If you're going out, tell them so that they could escort you out and watch you where you go-"

"Classic trick, but won't work on me. Plus, it's veeery  funny." You laughed sarcastically while rolling your eyes then shoved your face on your phone.

Your 'Father' unbuckled his seatbelt and lean closer to you while still seating on the driver's seat.

"Y/n, I'm not joking. I'm really gonna do this." He said.

"Hmm, then why can't I have a life? I thought you told me to enjoy my life because I only live once? And now you're doing this?" You soffed.

 Placing your hand on your chest while trying to manipulate the older guy. You started to act powerless and you also started to say empty words at your 'Father'.

"Y'know Dad, I can't believe you. You can do this to your own 'Daughter?' Surrounding her with unfamiliar people? To be frank, I sense that those guaards  that you spoke of, will even have the guts to harass me before Gojo has the chance to." 

"Don't tell me you're defending that jerk y/n. I warn you, don't get close to him. You'll regret your decision of letting him become a part of your life." He huffed a huge puff of smoke from his cigarette.

"Then? What are you going to do about it? Huh?" You snapped at him.

"Tsk, tsk." He light up another cigarette as the road was going again. The traffic jam was gone.

"I did not raise a girl like that. After meeting that white haired guy Y/n... you changed. You became violent and aggressive. You became a... rebel. You became disrespectful, and you now know how to snap right in your 'Father's' face. What has he done to you Y/n... I don't even know you anymore." He sighed as he became emotional as he spoke to you.

"Stop guilt tripping me dad. I know your tricks. And Gojo was not the reason why I became like this. Stop making it all about Gojo, he knows nothing." 

"Hmm, defending him? Taking a stranger's side over your 'Father's' side? Are you even Y/n?"


You sat there in silence, thinking of how to deliver your response in a more appropriate way. In which he wouldn't be offended. But nothing came out. So you just stuck with what's inside your brain.

"Okay dad I have two things to tell you. First, stop being an immature, childish asshole. I'm tired with your attitude being like that after I finally did something I unexpectedly enjoy. Second, I'm also tired of being held captive dad. I want to explore the world, not the world you made for me, but the actual real world. And stop watching every move I make, every step I make." You sighed as you looked at him in the eyes through the rearview mirror.

He looked back at you, accelerating his speed.

"Well, if you insist on it that much, go tell your 'Gojo'  to come pick you up" He rolled his eyes at you.

"Okay then. Stop the car."

Shuikong didn't knew what you meant so he kept on driving.  

After you got the sense that he didn't knew what you mean, you shouted at him out of frustration.

"Dad, I said...!! "

He instantly stopped the car.

"You fucking leave me alone." You opened the door and got out of his car

"Don't come back home tonight." He told you

 "Okay. Oh, and another? stop following me around. Gojo  will pick me up. Die bitch." You slammed the car door shut almost as if the door could fall off any time.

The car went away.

"Ahh, Gojo, where the hell are you. I fucked up... arghh!!" You slumped down against a wall.

Next to you was an abandoned alley, and front of  you was a closed store.

"I fucked up real ha-hmm!!!!"

𝙉𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙤 偽者 (𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡)Where stories live. Discover now