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'Why couldn't I read her? There's something wrong with her disappearing and suddenly appearing with no bruises or scars. Let alone her arm is fine it's not broken or even stitched. It even looks like she never got into an accident at all, but... back then, she lost her arm. A reverse technique could fix it... I know. But she can't even heal other people properly. And now she healed and restored her arm? Shoko can't do this, which makes her suspicious.'

 Gojo thought as he walked through the hallways of Jujutsu High.

'What if she was never... the 'current-Y/n' ? Or maybe this is the true Y/n but the one that got into an accident was not her...'


'Fuck, if she's not that then I never even courted, married, OR got Y/n pregnant... This is racking my brain. I need confirmation from Suguru.'

'Now that I mentioned him. If Y/n was alive, he would probably be the first to know that Y/n is okay and alive. But he didn't even come back here to Tokyo or even took Y/n. Instead, she was left with his dogs.'

"Some things, are meant to be left alone... Satoru." A familiar male voice rang behind him as Satoru slowly turned around to see who it was.

"" Satoru couldn't believe his eyes as to who he was seeing.

"Why do you look like you have seen a ghost Satoru?" The man named 'Suguru' chuckled as he went on and continued approaching Satoru.

"I was just thinking of contacting you. I thought you abandoned me already." Satoru said sheepishly as he also approached the black-haired male.

"Don't act like a child, it creeps me out." Suguru made a puking face.

"But it really has been a while huh? Come on here..." Suguru grabbed Satoru's shoulders as he went in for a full hug.

Suguru could hear Satoru's sniffles as he pat his long time best friend's back.

"Awee, so you missed me?" Suguru then smiled to himself.

"Don't worry buddy, I missed you too. That's why I came back from America you silly asshole."

"Don't act so smug just because you saw me crying Suguru. I'm still the strongest here." Satoru argued back.

"Alright buddy, don't be so pissed off. I just got back and you're asking for an argument already? What a welcome surprise for me." Suguru, again smiled.

It took some time before the both could stop hugging each other. But not another minute passes and the both of them started to annoy each other. Satoru would give his usual speech and Suguru will remind Satoru that he just cried like a baby just a while ago... that's friendship.

"Where's Shoko by the way? I haven't seen her since... you know."

"Oh, she's now our Primary Doctor, pretty cool huh?" Satoru said as he placed his hands behind his head

"What are you in the school? The primary shithead?" Suguru mocked Satoru with his poise and the two ended up chasing each other like how they used to, on their high school days.

𝙉𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙤 偽者 (𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡)Where stories live. Discover now