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"I know his weaknesses, trust me." A woman spoke as she drank her tea

"You know him that much huh?" a male voice rang across the room

"I hope you won't just use us for your weird plans. You all do that." Another male with a passionate voice joined in on the conversation

"You know she won't do that right? What's the binding vow even for?"  Another guy butted in

"Let's see how far he'll go for the prize." The unknown woman smirked as she got up from her chair.

The other three guys followed on and tailed behind her.

"Hey, how's your date going on?" You teased your best friend as another 2 weeks had gone by. With you taking precautions everywhere you go in case "That" insane man walked up in front of  you again. And fortunately, no signs of him everywhere you go.

"Well, it escalated quickly." Then she gave you a wink.

You squealed in excitement. Who knew a nerdy type of girl can ever seduce your campus's famous hot jock.

"So proud of yaa!" You two exchanged high fives as you walked along the hallway of the school.

everything was going really smooth. Biology class at 8:30 am, then acting class —in which you totally aced on— at 10:00 am, followed by chemistry at 1:00pm. Then a brief daily quiz with your school's librarian at 2:00pm. which you happened to be on your way now.

But as you walked towards the library. Many men who were in suits surrounded the area. Some of them were females. Then, you felt the urge to run.

"Affirmative. We have Kamo Y/n on our grasps and shall not escape our plan." A guy said.

"Who are you?" You asked them not giving a fuck about their weird behavior.

'Great, just as I was about to move on from the incident, he still chose to show up here... of all places. Here? Seriously, this man needs therapy." You thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes.

"Y/n, come with us, we'll unravel your past. We can collect your memories." He said.

"Why would I even want to go with some weird strangers I just met?" You retorted back at him.

"You know us Y/n, from the past... please, just give me another chance. I promise it'll be worth it. With me by your side, the most handsome and the strongest man to ever live, I am Gojo Satoru. If you won't accept me as your husband, why don't we start off as colleagues? Like we started off last time."

"tch, as if I'll believe a distressed man like you. Say, do you do drugs?" 

"W-what? C-come on honey, my sweet wife. Don't be like that"

you choked on your own saliva 'WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT?'

"Okay so, let me get this straight. You're stressed, you're practically breaking out. You have bags under your eyes. Get lost."

You started walking away from him. As he tried to call you, to persuade you, to look back at him. then spitting out some weird shit


"y-y/n..." Why won't she recognize me?

and how dare she tell me I'm ugly, that I have bags under my eyes. that I have pimples on my face... I AM THE MOST HANDSOME AND MOST POWERFUL IN THE WORLD OF SHAMANS. The honorable one! I am Gojo Satoru and this is how she treats me?

Daddy Satoru, real name Gojo Satoru. The most powerful sorcerer in the world. After he was born, the balance of power shifted. The richest and the most handsome. You name it, he'll give it.

"Y/n! Please! Look back at me! feast your eyes with my handsomeness! Lost yourself in my blue cyan eyes! Y/n..."


"Why does she look like she's about to fall... w-wait.. Y/N!"

𝙉𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙤 偽者 (𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡)Where stories live. Discover now