Bring him down to her hell

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A whistling sound could be heard from a person laid on the bare ground. Her knees hovered one another as her foot swung, following the slow rhythm to her whistling tune. Her hands joined together and placed behind her head as her gaze remained fixed on the dull ceiling.

Her whistling came to a stop, and a tired sigh followed afterwards.

''It's too boring.'' She complained.

Life in prison was definitely not interesting.

After causing havoc for years, she had been curious about life in prison since many special organizations had been after her life and were keen on making her pay by spending the rest of her life rotting in prison. Now, she wanted to knock some sense into her past self for being delusional. The prison was definitely no fun!

Apart from eating, sleeping, and weekly interrogations, there was nothing exciting about the prison life. It wasn't like those tv shows where the life in prison would be so thrilling, and the main character would have to kill his or her way to the top.

Her life right now wasn't near that type of life she had imagined.

Oh right. Let's not forget the frequent fights between herself and some arrogant prison mates. At least those type of fights that were depicted in the tv shows did happen during her stay in the prison, but she quickly got boring of them.

She even ended the life of two prison mates thinking that things would be fun, but no, none of that happened. Instead, many began to fear her, and fear was not what she needed to make her life in prison interesting.

Chaos sighed once more. She definitely regretted her decision to come to prison.

As always, she laid on the bare ground rather than the bed affixed to the wall on the side of the room.

'Again..' She thought as a strange feeling evaded her heart. Other than the boredom she frequently experienced in her life in prison, there were times she felt not restless.

Before going to prison, Chaos would always be up and doing. She would try to predict the steps of all her enemies and make them regret trying to outsmart her.

Let's not forget about the daily assassinations in her life, though those killers were definitely in the bottomless pit in different parts of the world.

Ah yes. She also tried to make money by stealing from many banks and politicians' account, doing some assassinations, stealing some important information from several governments and selling them on the black market and dark web....Well, there was no need to retell her life story, but Chaos's life was obviously far from normal.

Normal and Chaos definitely did not together.

During her life in prison, Chaos suddenly noticed one day that she did not have thoughts of her enemies. She didn't need to think so deeply about the steps they would try to take to end her life.

Of course, that did not mean that she lacked enemies here. No, it was the exact opposite. She had enemies, numerous to count, but they were not threatening enough for her to be on guard.

With just a glance, she could tell when someone was trying to pick a fight with her or held intentions of ending her life.

Unlike then, Chaos just felt the need to do nothing. Her mind, that used to be on alert every second, was no more. Her head now was filled with what food they would give her for the day or which stupid person would try to pick a fight with her, though that was unlikely not going to happen ever.

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