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A deafening silence reigned over the three people present, until a hearty and booming laughter resounded, breaking the entire stiffening atmosphere.

'' Ha Ha Ha, I guessed you were not an ordinary lad, but I didn't expect you to know the organization underneath this little shop of mine, Ha Ha Ha.''


''So...what information do you seek from this old man, lad?'' The amusing atmosphere around him suddenly disappeared as he asked that question in a somber manner.

''The Nightwolves.'' Kieran gave his reply.

''That organization?'' Brows furrowed, and eyelids widened more, exposing his aging grim eyes. '' Why do you seek information about killers?''


Her fingers hidden behind the black robe reacted with a faint flinch. Raven, who was behind observing everything, noticed the threatening change in the atmosphere.

''You want to murder someone lad?'' Without waiting Kieran's reply, the old man continued his words. ''If that's the case, then you and your friend over there came to the wrong shop. This old man wants nothing to do with that organization. Take your friend and leave my shop. This old man will appreciate it if you both never come back.''

''......'' Kieran stared at cranky old man before turning his head to the side, changing the direction of his stare to his quiet master.

Raven knew the meaning behind that stare. It was time for her to step up and talk to the old man who switches his mood very easily and without warning.

''If you don't leave, I'll have no choice but to chase you....'' 

''Now, Now, do you really have the heart to chase a little girl out on the streets?'' Before the old man completed his warning, Raven entered the conversation between him and Kieran. 

''Who knows if she could be captured by traffickers and sold to the highest bidder....'' Making a little joke in the serious atmosphere, She closed the distance between herself and the stunned old man. Kieran mutely made way for her, and she stood directly in his front.

Well, not his exactly front, but the tall wooden cashier table.

In between that little moment, Raven once again inwardly cursed the height of her body.

''A girl?'' The old man's gaze briefly went up to Kieran. ''What is a little lady like you doing here?'' This time, the tone of his voice was a bit tender. Even if the old man asked that question, that did not mean he did not notice the interaction between the two people at his front.

''I am the one in need of that information, Mister.'' Raven calmly exposed herself. Seeing that the voice of the old man changed at the sight of herself, then he wouldn't just chase her and Kieran out without fully listening to them.

''And why does a little lady like you want such information?''

''Why does a mister like you need to know?'' Raven responded to him with another question. Indeed, why did he need to know? He only needed to give Kieran the information, and nothing else.

''.....Your tongue is sharp for such a little lady.'' After a momentary pause of sizing up the little figure hiding her face underneath the black hood, the old man sighed to himself, giving up the information.

''You know, red light districts, the brothels, courtesans' homes, the area an hour or so from this shop is one of their quarters. This is all I can say, little lady. Don't expect more from me.''

''No...'' Raven grinned underneath the hood. ''That is all I need from you, Mister.'' This little information was better than nothing. If the old man still had refused, Raven might have resorted to threats, giving that she did not know anywhere else to get information.

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