Waking up (2)

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''How is your health, Raven?''

''I'm getting better, mother. Thank you for asking.'' Raven replied after chewing the steak in her mouth. She briefly eyed the sixth madam seated opposite her on the dining table before returning to her meal.

It's been two days since she became conscious, and those two days were spent mostly on her recovery. Now, she was having a meal with the sixth madam in the early hours of the new day.

As always, the said mother was not one to visit her recovering daughter at all. Not that she cared anyway.

Raven was not one to believe that someone like the sixth madam was unaware of the attack. No...the entire Langston family should be aware of what had happened to her.

After all, the culprit was among them.

'That old man will come in handy.' If she wanted to investigate without alerting the enemies, that old man would be best to use for the situation.

''Once your body fully recovers, you should meet with your father, Raven. He requested for your presence in the main manor.''

''....Father did?'' The fork about to enter Raven's mouth paused as she lifted her gaze to the sight of the sixth madam eating her meal. She was surprised to hear the grand duke call for her presence personally.

'Why does he call for me?' Raven's thoughts wandered as she lowered her cutleries on the plate. This was the first time for the grand duke to call for her...no the original Raven. There was no way she would mistake this situation as a father wanting to bond with his youngest child.

''Perhaps this concerns the imperial academy.'' The sixth madam pointed out before wiping her lips with a napkin.

'The imperial academy?' Raven continued to wonder. Why was that place brought up? Does the sixth madam mean that the grand duke intend for her to attend that academy?

Raven flicked through the memories of the original Raven, but there was hardly any memory about the imperial academy. Some of the tutors who educated the original Raven were from the imperial academy. Probably the same for the other siblings.

'How helpful...' Raven mused sarcastically. It seemed she would have to figure out the grand duke's intentions during their face-to-face meeting.

Having finished her meal, the sixth madam stood up silently, intending to leave the room. Seeing that she was stepping away without saying a word, Raven did not bother asking what she meant by mentioning the imperial academy, and continued her meal.

After taking a few steps away from the dining table, the sixth madam stopped on the spot and called out. ''Raven.''

''Yes mother.'' Raven replied, using the knife to slice through the juicy steak.

''Have you awakened your powers?''


''....Why does mother ask?'' Following a pause, Raven asked in reply. She lowered her cutleries on the plate once more and lifted her gaze to the sight of the sixth madam's back.

'So you're curious, after all.'

The sixth madam was definitely aware of the attack. Unless she wouldn't have asked her this question.....in the morning at that.

'I wonder if the rest are the same....' Raven's thought deepened. If it was that way, then the grand duke might want to see if the power had awakened within her. Perhaps that was the real reason for meeting him and not the imperial academy. It could be both as well.


''Father will be the one to determine that, mother.'' Despite the warning in the sixth madam's voice, Raven stated calmly. She would be a fool to report every of her actions to the sixth madam.

No one was meant to be trusted in the Langston family, including the mother of the original Raven.

''......'' The silence from the sixth madam heightened the tension in the atmosphere. Raven continued to stare at the figure of the sixth madam before sparing a glance at Lily, who stood nearby at a respectful distance.

'How smart....' From the beginning of the meal, Raven noted how Lily was the only maid present in the room.

Perhaps the sixth madam had planned to interrogate her about the attack from the start. This also meant that the other servants were spies for the other wives of the grand duke.

Lily was the only trustworthy servant.

'I guess I have to clean up the unwanted eyes.' Raven's eyes flickered with a cruel glint.

''I see then.'' The sixth madam was the first to break the tensed silence.

''Does mother desire this daughter to attend the imperial academy?'' Before the sixth madam attempted to leave, Raven was quick to strike another question.

''You speak as if your father will give you a choice, Raven.'' This time, the sixth madam turned around and met her gaze.

''What if father gives me a choice, mother? Do you intend for this daughter to attend the imperial academy or not?'' Raven repeated, keenly observing the sixth madam's blank face. It wouldn't be good if she gave an impression of disobeying orders to the sixth madam. Just because she refuted once did not mean that she would be the same from now on.

It wouldn't be smart to make an enemy of the only person on her side in this family.....Well, somewhat on her side.

''.....Only you have the answer that you need, Raven.'' was the sixth madam's words before leaving the room with Lily in tow. Now, Raven was left alone.

'What a funny woman.' She felt amused. Since the victor from the life and death battle was her, shouldn't the sixth madam be planning how they could overtake the succession battle and come out as the heir?

It seemed the sixth madam just want to watch and observe on the sidelines. Was this payback for refuting her strongly?

'Anyway, this is also good in disguise.' Still in thoughts, Raven picked up from where she stopped in the meal.

If the sixth madam's intention was to watch from the sidelines, then she wouldn't have to worry from someone trying to exercise their control on her.

''Still, I have to be careful.'' Raven murmured to herself.

The sixth madam was also not one to be underestimated.


''Fourth young lady's body is recovering at a fast rate.'' The gruff voice of one of the Langston family's physician sounded in the quiet room. ''If no issue arises, your health should be back to normal, fourth young lady.''

''Really....'' was the only word from Raven as she lowered her gaze to the wrist that seemed thinner than before. This body does seem a bit weaker.

Perhaps with great power comes with an equal amount of cost.

''....I guess I should see father soon.'' She mumbled under her breath. It's been two days since she heard of the grand duke requesting for her presence. Now that the physician deemed her healthier than before, it wouldn't do her good to ignore the grand duke any longer.

''Then, fourth young lady should recover well.'' The old physician bid his farewell after packing up his medical bag.

''Thank you.'' Raven replied with a smile and gestured for one of the maids behind to escort him out of the manor.

Once the old physician left the room, Raven turned her gaze to Lily standing nearby. ''Prepare my clothes and the carriage lily.'' She hopped down from the bed and smiled straight at lily and the other maids. ''I will be meeting with father soon.''

Time to find out why this heartless father personally requested for his daughter for the first time.

>>>Enjoy and Post soon next week!<<<

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