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CJ goes to her brother's house since it is only a walking distance and goes straight to his kitchen.

David: Why, are you here?

CJ: To eat.

David places the mug of coffee on the table.

CJ: Is this for me?

David: Yeah.

CJ: Thanks.

David: What time will you be working today?

CJ: I'm taking a half day today so I'll probably go to the office after lunch. How about you, why aren't you dressed yet?

David: I took a leave.

CJ: What, ohh that is so unfair!

David: I always took a leave every after Ken's birthday.

CJ: Is your girlfriend here?

David: No, she's at work.

CJ: Ohh.

David: Can we have dinner together?

CJ sighs. "Like you want me to cook?"

David: Don't worry about it.

CJ: At my place?

David: Yeah, you, me, Nicole and your boyfriend.

CJ: You want my boyfriend to join us for dinner? Hmmmm what have you eaten, David Jonathan?

David: Never mind.

CJ: No, you can't take back what you said!

David: It'll be better if we'll have it at your place.

CJ: Okay (smiles) I don't know why you're acting so strange suddenly but I guess Nicole has really a great effects in you.

David just smiles. "I can always be civil with him."

CJ: Well that's a first, at least.

David: CJ.

CJ looks at her brother.

David: Did he already open up about his.....you know what I'm talking about.

CJ: No, he hasn't. I think he doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe he's embarrassed or something.

David: But you are his girlfriend, you have to know.

CJ: Maybe he is waiting for the right time to tell me and I hope that tonight's dinner, you won't be mentioning anything about it.

David: You should be honest to each other, Catherine.

CJ: You know that it's a very sensitive case and it is not something that you can just share like you are sharing a piece of candy! It isn't something to be proud of!

David: Trust and honesty, those are the very important factors in a relationship.

CJ: I know.

David: I don't want to meddle with your relationship with Brad but if I see that there is something which is unfair on your part, I wouldn't think twice to do something about it. You know me.

CJ: I still can recall what you did to Michael.

David: Well he's a fucking asshole, he deserved it! I don't want any guy to be messing around with you, not even my malw friends and they are aware of it especially Ken.

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