Chapter 1

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The Alpha Prince, Jungkook had to face a man his father, King Jeon, asked to be his husband. That was the only request his father had before he died and yes there they were.

"Y-yes, I do," A beautiful servant named Kim Seokjin, who has had a crush on the prince for a long time, should be happy to be able to marry the man he loves.

But Jin felt sad because ever since he found out he was going to marry him, Prince Jungkook had changed, he was a friendly prince and always look cheerful, he was very adorable and made the people love him, but when his father asked Jungkook to marry Jin, who was none other than a servant in their castle too. Jungkook became a different prince.

His aura darkened and people blamed Jin for Jungkook's change in attitude. The people hate Jin because they are considered Jin a loan shark. They believe Jin is only using Jungkook's power.

"Kim Seokjin!!!" Prince Jungkook said he called his husband by his name, he didn't even change his husband's name.

"Yes, Your Highness," Jin ran into Jungkook's room, who was sitting on his bed at that time.

"What time is it? Where is my breakfast!" Prince Jungkook said.

"Ohh, I'm sorry, but you haven't woken up, Your Highness, that's why I haven't brought your breakfast," Jin said.

"Then what are you waiting for? I am hungry!" Prince Jungkook said and Jin immediately came out of his husband's room, which was supposed to be his room too but he never slept in there once.

Jin passed by a few maids and servants who looked at him sarcastically, they gave an intimidating look as if everything that happened was Jin's will and blamed him. But Jin didn't care about them, the King gave his last message to Jin and he had to keep that promise.

He went to the castle kitchen and prepared the prince's breakfast, there was only one person who cared about him there, Park Jimin. A servant like him but he knew who Jin was and it never occurred to Jin to use the prince to take his wealth or power.

Jimin even knew the Jin family well, that's why he was always by Jin's side until then, when the whole kingdom and people hated him.

"Morning Jinnie," Jimin came over to him, he saw Jin who was in a hurry to make breakfast for the prince, sausage and eggs were his favorite, the prince also only drank pure milk for breakfast.

"Morning Jimin," Jin said without looking at Jimin.

"Oh you have to be careful or you might get hurt I'll get the milk ready," Jimin said and he quickly scooped up the milk in the vat.

"Thank you Jimin, I owe you," Jin said and Jimin just laughed.

"Jimin, what are you doing?" Hoseok comes, another servant.

"Oh, I'm taking milk for the prince, what's wrong?" Jimin said.

"That's not your job, don't help him, if something happens to the prince, do you want to be responsible?" Hoseok said coldly.

"Oh yes I'm sorry it was my fault," Jin said as he turned off the stove.

"Why are you so mean? We are just a servant, it's our job to serve the kingdom" Jimin said and he passed a glass of milk to Jin.

"Whatever, I warned you," Hoseok said and left the kitchen, making Jimin roll his eyes, Hoseok is quite annoying, maybe he's just jealous.

"I'm sorry Jimin," Jin said.

"Why do you say that? Here is the milk, and now go, deliver this breakfast to your husband," Jimin said.

"Oh Jimin, he never saw me as his husband, so stop saying things like that," Jin said.

"But you always served him as a husband, and he is still your husband," Jimin said and Jin just smiled at him before leaving the kitchen with a tray in hand.

Jin knocked on the door and the prince asked him to come in, Jin saw the prince had just finished bathing, he was still wearing his towel robe with his hair wet.

"What's that?" Prince Jungkook said.

"Oh this is sausage and eggs, and milk, Your Highness," Jin said and put it on the table, he immediately went to the closet to get clothes for the prince.

"I'm going to the Sun Kingdom," Prince said and Jin stopped, he knew what his husband was doing there, he must want to meet Princess Lisa.

To be honest, Jin always felt jealous if he wanted to go there, but what could he do? He couldn't tell his husband even though it was his right.

Jin picked up clothes for the prince and laid them on the bed before turning to the prince.

"Here are your clothes, Your Highness, let me help you," Jin said and Jungkook walked over to him.

His face was very cold, Jin untied the robe and let it fall to the floor. Shows the prince's athletic body because he likes to exercise.

Jin helped him get dressed and hoped that someday, he will see Jin as his husband.

"Done, you look handsome, Your Highness," Jin looked at the prince in front of him as well as Jungkook.

"Eat first, after that I'll help dry your hair," Jin said.

"Yes," Prince Jungkook said and Jin picked up the towel robe on the floor, carried it back to the bathroom, and out of his husband's room.

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