Chapter 4

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A month passed

That means Jin has been married to the prince for 5 months. Jin entered the prince's room to wake him up and opened the curtains to let the sunlight in and warm the cold room.

"Your Highness, wake up, it's already morning, your breakfast is ready," Jin said.

The prince slowly opened his eyes and saw Jin there, he just sighed before sitting on his bed. He was sleeping without any clothes on his body, and Jin immediately brought him some water.

"Here, Your Highness," Jin said and the Prince drank it.

"I will go to the Sun kingdom and stay there, so don't prepare dinner for me," the Prince said.

"What?" Jin said, his response was very natural, he was just surprised because every day the Prince only spent time with Princess Lisa.

"What is it?" Prince said.

"Why did you marry me, Your Highness? If it's only for the sake of the King's request, why?" Jin said it seemed he was tired of his position of being out of sight.

"What are you talking about? Why are you bringing it up again?" Prince said.

"No, you can't go today, I'm forbidding you to go to the Sun kingdom," Jin said.

"What? Who are you to stop me huh? You're just a servant—"

"Because I am your husband, have you forgotten, Your Highness?" Jin said.

"How dare you cut me off?" Prince said.

"I forbid you to go and meet Princess Lisa," Jin said.

"Oh really? Do you think you can ban me just because you feel you are my husband?" Prince said.

"Have you never seen me as your husband? Just a little Your Highness?" Jin said.

"No! If it wasn't for the rules my father made, I might have divorced you Jin," Prince said.

"Divorce?" Jin said in a low voice.

"It's not because you are a servant, but because I don't love you, so you should understand that I can't treat you the way I should," the Prince said.

Jin's tears kept falling down his cheeks, he felt that marriage was just a joke for the Prince and he could just ignore it.

"I'm sorry if my presence becomes a problem in your life, Your Highness," Jin said.

"Eat your breakfast, Your Highness, you don't like cold food, excuse me," Jin said and he walked out with a broken heart.

Jungkook just sighed and got up from his bed, he saw breakfast that morning, fried rice with egg-shaped love, and Jungkook just ignored it, he chose to refresh himself first.

Jin, who at that time was still very disappointed with what the Prince had said about their marriage, was seen still serving him. Because that's his job.

He prepared clothes for the prince and helped him get dressed but this time, he didn't even look him in the face, he did it quickly and left without saying anything.

Jin even prepared a horse for his husband, letting him go even though he didn't want to. He saw the horse go away with the Prince on it.

"What do you expect from your marriage Jin?" Hoseok's voice startled him.

"Oh god, you startled me," Jin said.

"Do you think your life will be like Cinderella? You will never own his heart, trust me," Hoseok said.

"Is it because I'm just a servant?" Jin said.

"Yes and because from the start you were not his choice, you changed his attitude Jin, and you should have been ashamed to marry him at that time, you know what happened after but because of your selfishness you continued with the marriage and now you give the impression as if you were hurt, I thankful that he can still find his love for Princess Lisa, I hope the rumors about their wedding are true," Hoseok said and left Jin.

"Their wedding?" Jin muttered, tears falling again when he heard the news.

He didn't even know anything about the wedding Hoseok meant, if it was true what Hoseon was talking about, that means the reason he was staying there was to talk about their wedding.

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