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THEY tell you not to fall so quickly or wear your heart on your sleeve but that's exactly what carson did. she was naive, caring and way too accepting of a man who did nothing but lie. but that's the thing, his lies were wrapped up in kisses and halfhearted confessions that made her swoon and her heart burst. his touches were tender and his eyes were trusting. if only she saw through it all, if her rose-tinted coloured glasses wore off, just maybe she would've sped away one-quarter mile at a time.

WHERE a sweet, pink-obsessed, smooth-talking street racer falls for the pretty boy.


WHERE brian o'conner betrays the woman who he believes is the love of his life, all for a job.



honestly love the fast franchise no matter how cringy or lousy the writing can be sometimes, the first film will always be my favourite. and you know me, my main OCs are always black, so of course I searched tiktok and every place I could think of for a 90s/00s icon and found one to fit the story perfectly.

hope you enjoy.

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