𝟐. 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐲𝐬

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"I'M tellin' you Keke, I thought one of them was gonna ruin my car, the way they were swinging', it was so close," Carson had been retailing the events of the fight since she returned from her lunch break

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"I'M tellin' you Keke, I thought one of them was gonna ruin my car, the way they were swinging', it was so close," Carson had been retailing the events of the fight since she returned from her lunch break. She would do anything to avoid her work.

"You and that damn car," Keke laughed, filing the nails of a customer.

All the other employees listened in enthralled by the story.

Carson shrugged, "It's my baby."

"Yeah, got you so distracted, you forgot to eat on your break."

"I'll get something' later," Carson waved her off, "but seriously, Vince was so mad."

Keelie never liked the man, so she was happy to hear that especially because he always hit on Mia, "Oh really, how mad?"

"He looked like he was 'bout to burst, you know how quickly these white folks turn red," Carson giggled along with the rest of the room.

"As quickly as I snap my phone," Keelie mused, receiving a nod from the woman in front of her.

"Ain't that right," Carson grinned at the noises of agreement from others.

Her story was quickly cut off when the door opened up, revealing a familiar face.

Everyone turned to see the pretty blonde who looked like he ended up on the wrong side of town.

"If it isn't Brian Earl Spilner," he cringed at the use of his name. Carson gestured for him to come over to the counter, and so he did, not before gingerly waving at the older women who gawked at him, "Ladies keep your paws away, he's not a bite to eat."

"He sure looks like it," they heard someone say, making everyone laugh.

"You stalkin' me now?" Carson teased, leaning on her hands as he neared closer with his winning smile.

He rose a brow, "Why would I say yes to that?"

"Well, Jesse did say you sounded like a serial killer so it's not outta the question," he playfully rolled his eyes at that answer, before he noticed what she happened to be sketching.

"These are good," he nodded at her work, making her show off her pearly whites, much to the amusement of everyone else, who watched the interaction. "Is there somewhere we could go to talk?" he asked a little quieter.

Keelie rolled her eyes, hearing him, "You guys can go to the back, but you got 5 minutes and then I'm draggin' you out."

Carson sent her a small smile, then grabbed Brian's hand as she rounded her station.

"I've got my eye on you Elton John," Keelie called out.

Brian glanced back, "Is it because I'm white?"

"No because of your talented voice," she quipped, making Carson pull him to the back.

Brian licked his lips as he scanned her outfit, he hadn't seen it all before because he and Vince were too busy scrapping. She looked good, better than good, then again she always did. Her hand was so soft, contrasting his. Callus' seemed to kiss his whenever he drove.

Carson was a little nervous when she closed the door and dropped his hand, staring at him as he smiled down at her.

The room was cramped, filled with tiny lockers, a mini fridge and a small couch, but the pair decided to stay close to the door. Correction, Brian was so close to Carson that she was practically caged in, she had no choice but to lean against it.

"What did you wanna talk about? You gettin' fired so quickly, must be a record for you right?" she mocked, folding her arms.

His eyes sparkled as he said, "Help me."

"Why do you think I should?"

"Because," he leaned in, drawing a wide-eyed look from her, "You're the reason I'm eatin' those crappy sandwiches every day."

She couldn't help but smile, she was so annoyed that she was. Between his curly hair, dreamy eyes and cheeky grin, how could she not?

"So you admit they're bad and you're stupid for eatin' them anyway," she remarked, trying to shake the heat kissing her cheeks.

"Worth it," he shrugged, not looking away from her.

Although, he came to the nail salon to ask her for a favour, just simply talking to Carson was a bonus. Barbie was another one of the nicknames he heard people call her, and he understood more when she corrected them and said Bratz doll instead.

"What do you expect me to do anyways, hypnotise Dom?" Carson's voice pulled him from his trance.

"Just tell me where the next race is," he didn't ask, he needed to know.

And to her, Brain wanted to prove something.

Carson raised a brow, "And why would I do that?"

"So you can watch me win."

"I'm enterin' that race, you think you can win against me? Dom? You just got outta your trainin' wheels, boy you gotta at least think before doin' somethin' like that."

Carson was putting a lot of money into the race and was hoping to get a lot out of it when, not if she won. The money made from the race would fund the new paint colour, engine, rims and a new stereo.

"Look, if I can win against Dom I get his respect," Brian explained, earning a small scoff from Carson.

"And me?"

"A date."

Carson swiped her tongue around her cheek, "Cute, but it's gonna take a lot more than one win to do that."

He chuckled, "We'll see."

"I guess we will, but give me your phone," she gestured and he started to smirk.

"Already?" he teased, drawing a sigh from her.

"Phone now," she demanded. Brian liked this feisty side of her and didn't hesitate to pull out his phone and give it to her. He goggled at her acrylics, liking the black and pink pattern, knowing she designed it. She typed in her number, called it and then hung up when she felt her phone vibrate, "Here."

Brian took back his phone, smiling when he saw the new contact:

Summer <3.

"I'll text you the place," she said, pushing the door open, immediately seeing a bunch of women glance away and whisper amongst themselves.

"And I'll be there," Carson wasn't expecting him to kiss her cheek, but he did, "Bye Carson."

His smile didn't falter when he waved goodbye to a dozen women who were eager to wave back as he left the shop.

Carson groaned when she realised how happy she felt and then turned to smug-looking Keelie.

"So... is Justin Timberlake, gonna be comin' 'round more?"

Carson shrugged, "Maybe."

"Oh, he sure is."

"Yeah yeah, and Mia says hey," Carson teased, earning an eye roll.




if you're a fan of my account, you know I'll try and add many filler scenes to books that are solely based on canon because the original dialogue can be quite tedious to read all the time. i want brian and carson to feel brand new and fresh. they already flirt like crazy and we all know how both canon and fanon brian can be when he's interested in someone.

you'll be seeing our girl racing soon. what do you think the outcome of the race will be?

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