𝟏𝟎. 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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THE god siblings were dropped outside Dom's house by Leon and Letty who sped off

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THE god siblings were dropped outside Dom's house by Leon and Letty who sped off. It wasn't long before Mia ran out of the house with Keelie behind her.

Dom ignored the couple and stormed over to the shed.

Keelie took note of their bloody clothes first, then started to ask questions, "Girl, what happened?"

"Oh my god. Are you okay?" Mia panicked.

"Vince's is in the hospital," Carson spoke up, startling them with her raw voice. "But that's not all. It's Brian. He's a cop," their eyes doubled in size, "He lied to me, to all of us. His last name ain't his last name. He lied. He's a fuckin' cop, and I trusted him."

Keelie didn't say anything, no I told you so, nothing at all, instead, she pulled her into a hug.

Mia's heart broke for her godsister, but God was she angry at Brian for doing this to her.

The couple led her back to the house, rubbing her back as she started mumbling about everything, Vince, Jesse and Brian.

"I hate him," Carson said, pacing around the living room, the other two watched her with worry. Vince's blood stained her hands but Brian's betrayal tainted her heart, no it battered it. "We gotta go, we can't stay here," Mia nodded, scattering around trying to grab anything and anything necessary. "Keke, I'm sorry."

Keelie said nothing, aware of what had to happen. They had to leave.

Mia stared at her girlfriend with teary eyes and Keelie tentatively helped her pack.

Carson had her winnings but needed the rest of her money from their apartment and a few clothes before she left, though she needed to know if Jesse was okay. It had been hours since she last saw him and she was so scared that Johnny had got to him first.

Shouting from outside got her attention, she insisted that Keelie and Mia stay inside before she rushed over to the window to see Brian and Dom pointing guns at each other.

"Christ," She ran out of the house.

"Move your car," Dom yelled, cocking his shotgun.

"Dom, stop it! It's over! Please. Let's go," Carson pleaded with him.

Brian glanced over to see her, wishing he could change things.

"Carson, stay out of it!" Dom shouted. Then looked at Brian with hateful eyes, "Move the–"

Carson turned at the sound of a car speeding over and abruptly stopping at the front of the house. It was Jesse.

That made her let out a sigh of relief.

"Jesse!" She exclaimed.

He didn't see her, he just kept rambling as he got out of the Jetta, "Dominic, I am so sorry." he said. "I don't know what I'm doing, Dom. I'm so scared right now. I don't know what's going on."

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ━━ B. O'ConnerWhere stories live. Discover now