𝟖. 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲

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CARSON cried when she was mad, at any inconvenience really

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CARSON cried when she was mad, at any inconvenience really. She couldn't help it. Ever since her car was finished, she'd been overthinking. She lost track of her thoughts, they were everything except coherent.

Something was wrong.

To make matters worse she hadn't worn pink to race wars — correction, she wore it but only as an accessory. Her body was covered with a black juicy jogging suit that she kept hidden in the back of her closet for times like this when she was sad, confused or upset.

When she pulled up to the race wars that was the first thing the Team noticed, Summer wasn't smiling, she looked serious, tired. Vince immediately thought it had to do with the blonde who attempted to talk to her but she waved him off.

Keelie wasn't there, so Letty and Mia were her designated emotional shoulders to lean on but she wasn't focused on that.

She needed to be focused on winning.

"You were right," she exclaimed, approaching Dom.

He blinked slowly, shocked, "Yeah. About what?"


"Is that right?" Dom faced her, eyeing her appearance and lack of a smile. She's not alright. When they all arrived he knew what she wanted but hoped it was nerves, but it didn't seem like that, she wasn't acting like herself. "Where's the pink?" He gestured to her jogging suit, completely disregarding her rose bandana and shades, finally asking the question no one else did, "What's going on with you?"

"I'm focused, ain't that what you wanted?" Dom heard the irked edge of her voice. "I'm gonna go find Jesse."

Dom stepped forward, brows furrowed, "Summer! Carson! I'm not done talkin'!"

Carson swerved through the crowd, it's like she has tunnel vision. Good! The voice in her head screamed. It was almost as loud as the roaring engines.

"Yo, Summer, you alright?" Leon halted her in her stride.

Vince was right beside him, both on their way to return to Dom after checking on the scene.

Carson hummed, anxious to go, "Great."

"Was it Buster?" Vince angrily pressed, "Is he why you're all doom and gloom Barbie today?"

"Where's Jesse?" She asked, ignoring his questions.

Leon nodded to the right, "He went that way."

Vince knocked him upside the head, annoyed that Carson was behaving so oddly.

"Somethings up with her," He grumbled, watching her pace away.

"Maybe it's nerves," Leon suggested, rubbing his head.

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ━━ B. O'ConnerWhere stories live. Discover now