𝟏. 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬

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"GIRL, we live together and you still arrive late, what is wrong with you?" Keelie stressed, seeing her close friend speed walk through the nail salon, from her post

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"GIRL, we live together and you still arrive late, what is wrong with you?" Keelie stressed, seeing her close friend speed walk through the nail salon, from her post.

To say she was mad was an understatement.

Carson huffed, "'Cause you be usin' up all of the hot water."

"Just shut up and pick up the phones," Keelie nodded to the counter where the phones had been ringing throughout the hour.

"Sorry," Carson winced, rushing over, greeting the other workers and customers, before dropping her bag by her station and picking up the blaring phone, "KeKe's nail salon... oh hey girl..."

Carson worked at the nail salon as a receptionist. She didn't do people's nails, but she never passed up the opportunity to be pampered whenever her close friend offered to do it for free. She loved sketching out designs, sometimes for customers, but when she had time for her passion in life she spent hours shading for cars for other drivers. A girl's gotta make a buck somehow. She loved her car – a black Dodge Charger Hellcat – a gift from her recently deceased father Daniel Baker. The car was her baby, but like a child, it needed nurturing. She was obsessed with pink, everything she wore was pink, so she wanted her car to match, whether it was small patterns, leopard print or stripes. She just wanted it done and dusted. New parts were expensive, so she worked at her best friend's establishment.

Throughout her shift she did her rounds, checking in with the regulars, laughing and joking about the things going on in their lives and ranting about the stuff that provoked their problems. Most of it was all the same cause... men.

Luckily she didn't have that problem at the moment.

Carson was known for having the brightest smile and it went with her eccentric style, which was where she copped her nickname; Summer. Very rarely was the racer sad and if she was, everyone was out for blood, especially her godbrother Dom and the team.

Around town, there were a lot of rules, especially for the different street racing crews, but in Dom's, it was; Do not piss off Summer. And everyone listened, if they didn't, wrenches would rain from the sky.

"Summer," Keelie's voice made her head snap up from her most recent design.

Taking the cherry lollipop out of her mouth, Carson asked, "What?"

"You can go, it's your break."

An hour for lunch, Keelie was an angel for that. Sure, it was blatant favouritism, but Carson didn't care. She was already packing up her stuff and throwing it in her bag.

She did the bare minimum at work, but she was always exhausted.

"I'll tell Mia you said wassup!" Carson teased, stepping out from behind the counter, and receiving a scowl from her close friend.

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ━━ B. O'ConnerWhere stories live. Discover now