𝟗. 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥

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"YOU bastard!" Carson pushed him back

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"YOU bastard!" Carson pushed him back. She didn't stop, she kept pushing and shoving, sobbing as she did so. Brian let her, watching with glistening eyes, feeling her pain, sadness and distress pound against his chest. "I hate you!" It wasn't the truth and they both knew it.  Brian gently caught her grasp, but she shoved him off, "Get off of me, Brian!"

"Sonny! Carson," he said quieter, ignoring the onlookers. "Everythin' I said about you was real. About us, I would never lie about that."

She let out a yell, "You're lyin'. That's what you do, it's what they do. You all lie."

"I swear to God I'm not. You have to believe me," he tried, but she angrily shook her head, lip quivering and body trembling with heartbreak. "Please, you have to believe me, Sonny. But right now, this isn't about you and me," he said, not realising the power behind his words. "Dom's  out there and he's about to pull a job and we're runnin' out of time." Carson didn't want to listen but he left her no choice,  "Those truckers, they're not layin' down anymore. And you know, maybe they'll make it out tonight, but every single law enforcement agency in California's coming down on 'em." and just like that, Carson tensed up. "If you don't want anythin' to happen to Dom, to Letty, to Leon, to Vince," more tears coated her face and Brian wanted nothing more than to wipe them away."

Carson looked down, head pounding with all this new information, trying to decipher the real from the fake. She couldn't look at him, she couldn't stand to be around him. If only she listened before, to Vince, to Leon, hell even Keelie had prior convictions about the guy and she ignored it.

It's like Brian knew what she was thinking, "You have to just get in that car with me right now. You have to help me. Sonny –" he dropped her nickname when he was met with a harsh glare. "You are the only person that can help me right now. Please. Please, help me."

And that's how Carson ended up in Brian's car, looking everywhere else as he sped down the road. Mia wasn't in danger, she was going to Keelie's and that was one less person she had to worry about. Jesse was missing and the rest of the team were –

"Carson," Brian pressed pulling her out of the wave of worry she was drowning in.

"Civics are stashed somewhere outside of Thermal," she informed, voice dry and raspy from all the crying. He winced after hearing her speak.

It added to his guilt.

She stared down at the map with eyes bloodshot, making her wish she still had her glasses but they went along with his cover.

"And they wouldn't double back, and Highway 10's just way too well patrolled." Brian replied, glancing between her and the empty road, "So, what does that leave us with then?"

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ━━ B. O'ConnerWhere stories live. Discover now