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It's a nice sunny Friday morning in the outer banks, birds chirping and the sun shining through the windows of y/n Volndart's curtains while the rays of the sun warm her face as it shines on her

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It's a nice sunny Friday morning in the outer banks, birds chirping and the sun shining through the windows of y/n Volndart's curtains while the rays of the sun warm her face as it shines on her. She wakes up from her sleep feeling a sense of joy by looking up at the sky  and how beautiful the summer morning was so she walks over to her nightstand beside her bed pulling open the top drawer to get her camera and take a picture.

*Bedroom door opens*

"One thing about you is you will take a picture of anything and everything" the female voice said behind her standing at her door, "morning to you too Sonia", y/n said not paying her older sister any attention while taking her picture "wow your room", "what about it" y/n says turning around after taking her picture putting the camera back where it was "I don't know it just gives me mmm cloud vibes" "cloud vibes" y/n says raising an eyebrow and smiling at her sister "what the heck is cloud vibes", "you know it just seems calm relaxing, safe and soft..like a cloud" Sonia said shrugging her shoulders "tuh okay sunny" y/n said "ooo can we swap my room is so dark" Sonia says pouting "not a chance Sonia now if you don't mind I'll like to go brush my teeth and shower" she said walking out the room pass her sister "okay but hurry before your breakfast turns cold" her sister said walking down the stairs "ew you made breakfast" "shut up and hurry down here" Sonia laughs.

Once y/n was done her morning routine she went down to the kitchen to be met with all her siblings all laughing, talking amongst each other.
*Y/n voice over*  This is my family there is 7 of us well 9 if we include my mum & dad, yep I have a pretty big family. The oldest is my brother Tyler but I haven't talked or seen him for 1 year now, non of us have then we have my older sister Sonia next after her is Richard then it's Me I should probably add that me and Richard are twins just not identical so you should see the shock faces when we tell people we're twins, after we have my little brother Max then it's Tommy and finally the baby of the house is my cute little sister Isabella. Wow that was a lot but there is only 6 of us that live in the house since our parents like to take off without saying a word for months and Tyler like I said left us year ago and cut all contact with us.

"Right I will see you doll heads later I'm off to John B's place probably be back for dinner" "okay well I am off to work OH and someone remember to text me what toppings you all agreed on for the pizza before I get home" Sonia says while grabbing her bag from the living room couch "also Richard clean this kitchen byeee" was the last thing Sonia said before walking out the door "you heard her Max clean the kitchen when your done" " Richi she said you so don't even try it" y/n said while putting on her black converse to fit with her blue denim shorts & her long sleeve lilac crop top "You're still here" "I'm serious Richard.

Y/n reached chatue and saw the pogues all sitting at the front porch. "Hey guys" she said walking up the few steps going over to sit beside JJ, they all acknowledged her presence except for Kiara "hey kie" y/n said trying to get her close friend attention "oh c'mon kie you actually can't still be mad at me I said I was sorry AND I also gave you a valid excuse" she stated giving her friend a stern look "JJ tell y/n that although I understand she had family issues believe me I know tuh...but now I may never get to see Dr.Fitzgerald lecture us about our environment i-" "you could always search the internet kie" Sarah says snickering as she leans her back on John B's shoulder, Kiara turns over to look at Sarah giving her a sarcastic smile continuing on with her sentence "IN PERSONNN who knows when he'll come back here again ugh and I was sooo looking forward to taking a picture and an autograph" she sighs pouting her face. JJ looks over at y/n "um I hope you heard everything she said y/n cause I am *country accent* high above the sky  to even remember a word she said" y/n gave him a weird look squinting her eyes at him "really JJ this early...anyway Kiara I already apologized but since you don't want it I guess I'll just delete the video of dr.Fitzgerald saying  hi to you and also burn the t-shirt he signed...what a shame" y/n said pretending to be sad looking down at the ground then back up at Kiara seeing her eyes widen and her mouth widen and just like that Kiara jumped onto her best friends kissing her all over her face "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshhh how, when, WHAT!!" "Haha it took a lot of persuasion with Richard" "Thank you THANK YOUU I love you so much and honestly it was killing me inside trying to not speak to you" she said smiling at y/n.

As the pogues sat around cracking jokes it was starting to get dark, pope stands up from the armchair with a serious face "okay guys we need to figure out why Carla Limbrey want's that key that I supposedly have so badly I mean what if she comes looking for me" he said beginning to hyperventilate"oh my gosh what if she's already on her way or worse she's already here oh my gosh I gotta find that key if I don't God knows what would happen to me I can't I..I..I have a scholarship waiting for me, I mean my dad and and my mum", cleo jumps down from the fence and stood face to face with pope " calm down pope ole girl will find something new tomorrow for er to worry abou man, y/n pushed JJ off her lap and walked over to the stressed out boy "pope look at me she said grabbing his face looking eye to eye breath okay as long as I'm here as long as we are all here she will not hurt you not on my watch"

JJ stood up clapping to get all their attention "they're right pope and you know what I think will help you matter fact ALL of us right now a trip to the outer banks Teen Night party at the beach, huh huh what ye think" "I for one is with JJ on this one" John B said "I could use some free food and drinks" Sarah said smiling ear to ear "count me in" Kiara replied clicking her fingers "what do you say Pope wanna get wasted, might even get a cheeky little kiss from Kie tonight" y/n said whispering in popes ear "C'mon pope it'll be fun we'll be with other pogues and the Kooks are gonna be there for us to annoy and throw our empty can's at" JJ said grinning. Everyone stayed quite looking at pope smiling & waiting for his decision "LETS GET LIT!!" Pope screamed making them all jump excitement and enthusiasm.

Hi sorry of this was long don't worry I'll start to get more interesting with more details on y/n life ✨🤍

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