2. Teen Night Beach Party

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When y/n and her friends reached the beach they were met with familiar faces y/n was able to recognize people from both the pogue side & the Kook side, she went to go look for food she could snack on while Sarah was sexy dancing on John B to the m...

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When y/n and her friends reached the beach they were met with familiar faces y/n was able to recognize people from both the pogue side & the Kook side, she went to go look for food she could snack on while Sarah was sexy dancing on John B to the music y/n laughed to herself as she saw Topper from a far death staring John B with jealousy.

As y/n was standing at a corner in her own world she hears a *Ding* come from her phone before she could see who the message was from JJ approach's her
JJ: " Yo Lu having fun"
Y/n: "Did I not tell you to stop calling me by my middle name" she said giving him a really type of look
JJ: " I didn't I said Lu not Luna" he said pointing his finger with his drink in his hand
Y/n: " same thing JJ just shorted" rolling her eyes
JJ: "okay y/n you know I love calling you that so never gonna stop Capeesh, why you standing here all by yourself anyways come on we're supposed to be having fun" he said tickling her making her laugh "Bingo"
Y/n: "I'm trying it's just...you know the kooks and everything that happened with me and my family *sighs* I guess just seeing both sides of the island all together is just making me nervous" she said looking down trying to hide her face from the blond blue eye boy feeling embarrassed
JJ: "hey hey he grabbed her arm pulling her closer to him I should have known sorry it's the drink...em how about a dance m'lady
Y/n: "No"
JJ: "yes"
Y/n: "nah"
JJ: "please...y/n please you know I don't dance so me asking you this is speaking a lot" he said raising his eyebrows
She tried her best to keep a straight face but couldn't resist smiling at him he took her hand spun her around then began doing sum sort of shimmy dance that made y/n laugh at how stupid he looked.

As everyone was partying a drunk girl was wondering near the speakers un able to keep her balance "I..I ha- woah i HaTe this stupid swong let's get some love in this bItCh" she said her words falling out sloppy
*Lana Del Rey- Love begins to plays*
Everyone looks around confused but decided to run along with the song finding a partner to slow dance with. Sarah & John B of course we're partners, Pope and Kiara were partners surprisingly, cleo decided to sit this one out but deep down she wanted to stay with pope, JJ looked at y/n and saw how happy she was hearing her favorite singer playing not sure whether or not to approach her y/n could senses the tense feeling from JJ so decided to speak up "hey jj would you like to slow dance with me she said giving him a soft smile "I thought you would never ask he spoke laughing now just inches from each other. Y/n rested her head on JJ's shoulders at that moment she felt warmth just like she did this morning she felt...CLOUD VIBES it felt good it felt Perfect.

As y/n was resting her head on me I couldn't help myself but smile, this moment with her just felt so right I could stay like this forever...just me and her. I tightened my grip around her I don't know why I did but it felt like it was something I had to do honestly I think it's the song but I'm not complaining.

Music 🎶 cause I'm young and in looouhhh-uhhve ooove to be younnng and in looooove

Y/n and JJ were enjoying their moment together she looked up to see his face and just like that they were looking into each other's eyes, for the first time it felt like she was properly see JJ's eyes and how beautiful they were, she couldn't stop staring and he seemed like he didn't mind, without either of them realizing they were closing the space between them at this point there lips were only inches away. JJ was about to finalize the space and kiss her but then *distant shouting* they pulled apart now realizing what nearly happened neither of them said anything just staring, a crowd starting to form where the shouting was taken place getting both y/n & JJ's attention they ran over and as they got closer she could hear a familiar voice, she pushed through the crowed to prove her assumptions right it was her brother "RICHARD" she shouted finally making it out the crowd to see him.

Richard: "oh hey lil sis come to see your big bro beat the shit out these losers"
Boy 1: "ooo Richard not only are you gonna get fucked up infornt of everyone but your own sister too ouf"
Boy 2: "Come on Pougey come get this ass beating like your brother Tyler got"
Boy 3 : *laughs* Damn didn't he try to take his own-
Before the 3rd boy could finish his sentence with one punch Richard knocked the lights out the kook everyone gasped or covered their mouth with their hands cause lord knows that punch that was thrown was loud, no one would be surprised if the boy's jaw was dislocated.
Just like that the two other boys stared jumping her brother then another random kook decided to join in "HEY-HEY get off of him get the fuck off him" John B said pushing one of the guys off, JJ & Pope ran in pulling the two other guys off of Richard then Topper, Kelce and Rafe stepped in. Topper stood in the middle of the boys trying to ease the tension "okay boys let's take it easy now no need to escalate things more than it already has" he then turns to the kooks "c'mon back away don't scoop as low as them" "I'm sorry what was the soft boy" JJ said trying to get closer to Topper but stoped by John B "I'm just saying JJ we are the examples and you pogues are the definition" Topper explained with a smug smirk on his face "EXACTLY we have so much to lose and you guys...well ye have not a single FUCKING thing" Kelce said with so much vim "yeah well say it to my FIST" Pope charged forward aiming the first punch at Kelce hitting him straight in the mouth the two start going at it just as John B was about to jump in and stop the fight Topper gets infront of the brown haired boy with highlights in his hair "I don't think so girlfriend stealer" giving him a dig right in the stomach...

Ahhhh okay I'll have to do a part 2 cause things just got interestingggg🤍✨

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