7. Fake it (p.2)

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Me an JJ went downstairs to the kitchen to go eat, I made him white rice with chicken curry also serving my younger siblings

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Me an JJ went downstairs to the kitchen to go eat, I made him white rice with chicken curry also serving my younger siblings. There was a nice silence between me and JJ reflecting on what just happened "this is nice" he said starting conversation "oh thank you" *silence* "hey y/n about what just happened I don't want things to be weird between us" "weird I don't feel weird" "okay good me neither" *silence* "I like you y/n" he said looking straight at me "I-I like you too jj" "no you don't understand I LIKE you" "Oh but what about the whole no pouge on pouge macking" "okay firstly we are well past the whole pouge macking secondly are you tryna say you don't feel anything between us cause that's a lie we definitely have been feeling some type of way for us to even go that far" "JJ but-" *cuts you off* "Remember that time we were in here then cleo came in right when I was about to ask you something well I was going to ask you when we were dancing together at the teen party did you feel like it was I don't know right, like the energy between us felt good, shit y/n we nearly kissed" he said grabbing my thighs, but he was right everything he was saying was true I did like him in a romantic way but was this what we really wanted "JJ I like you too and yes when we were dancing it did feel right I felt cloud vibe *confused face on jj* I'll explain later I guess what I'm saying is if this is really what you want"

"Are you insane of course I want this I just told you I liked you and you like me so what's stopping us" "your right okay let's give this a try and see where things go" "YESssss come here you" he carries me spinning me around spreading kisses all over my face, Tommy and Isabella found it funny and wanted to join in "Who's next on papa J's ride" he said looking at both both of them "MEEEE" they yelled with their hands in the air.

2hrs later

Sonia walk's into the house about to head to her room "Em EXCUSE me where the Fuck have you been" you questioned "not right now y/n not in the mood" "I don't give a SHIT what your not on you left Tommy & Bella all by themselves thank God I came home who knows what could have happened" "Y/N GET OUT OF MY FACE IM NOT JOKING!" "OR WHAT HUH WHAT YOU GONNA DO" y/n said stepping up to her sister. "Girls Girls let's breathe" "oh right thanks jj I'll make sure to not to hold my breath next time" Sonia replied rolling her eyes at JJ before continuing on the flights of stairs " woah I'm not done with you do you even care how serious this situation is" "No I don't care" y/n grabs Sonia's arm trying to stop her which only made her get more annoyed Sonia tried to pull her arm back from you, now she was getting angry she used her free hand and pushed her sister backwards causing her to tumbledown the wooden stairs.

JJ: yo what the hell WHY DID YOU DO THAT he said running over to you
Sonia: *stuttering*  I I it's it's not my fault, she was I mean you saw her grabbing on to me
JJ: so you push her down the stairs *turns to you* y/n are you okay..is anything broken..should we call an ambulance
Richard: bro is she dead *sonia+JJ turn around* sonny did you just kill my twin..I saw the whole thing so don't even try lie
JJ: don't say that of course she's not dead
Richard: let me kick her then we'll know for sure he said going over to where your body laid
Y/n: if you touch me you'll be the one who needs an ambulance
Richard: SHE LIVES...yay
JJ helps you sit up before going to grab her a cup of water. Y/n just shook her head smiling not because her sister just pushed her down the stairs but because she knew it was only a matter of time before Sonia went back to her old ways, "all I wanted to know was why you two left a 5 & 3 year old at home on their own" "me and max left at the same time but Sonia was still home so I had no idea, well Sonia care to explain yourself" Richard answered trying to get a rise from Sonia "Richi don't you see what's happening she's changing back" "no offense Sonia but if that's case please just leave now cause I don't think me and my siblings can take that anymore" Richard sternly spoke. Sonia sadly turned away from her siblings locking herself in her room though JJ wasn't trying to get himself involved he had a few words to say "not that I'm saying wha she did was right but uh don't you guys think you should cut her some slack after all she has been on her A-game for some time now and bringing up bad memories isn't what people are trying to get reminded of like what if she was only supposed to go for a few seconds but then something happened" "well then that's all she had to say not freaking pushing me down the stairs henyways c'mon jj let's go meet with rest we-" there was a knock at the door making you stop mid sentence, there was no way this was happening right now you thought to yourself


"yo Rafe wassup" Richard greeted happily giving him a bro hug, JJ without hesitation marched towards Rafe ready to attack but y/n quickly knew better blocking his way "I swear to God Rafe if you don't leave right now there's gonna be a problem" "yeah yeah okay JJ save it for someone that cares y/n can I talk to you in private " jj looked at you confused, you didn't want JJ to know Rafe had been here before especially in your room and had a moment, "you can say what you want right here" y/n replied "it will be quick I promise" you and Rafe walk outside to the back garden you really did not want to be near him as just a few ours ago he broke your phone with no care in the word "helloo we're alone now speak *you cross your arm*" "I know your mad at me right now and I don't blame you but y/n I'm tellin you now breaking your phone was not on purpose bumping into you was by accident and I agree i should have been more empathetic about it...my fault but your friends and my sister were there can't let them think I'm going soft" "which is why you wanted to talk in private so jj wouldn't know...right thank you Rafe you can leave now" Rafe stopped you from going back in not wanting to let the only person that understood him leave "oh my gosh no you can't get this close to me not when jj is here...or anyone for that matter" "SEE now you understand what I am trying to say *you scrunch your face* you don't want JJ to see me & you touching just like I did not want Sarah and your friends seeing me feel sorry but I need you to know I was faking it just like I know your faking to not want me touching you" "you think just because I welcomed you into my home last week I'm lusting over you are you joking" y/n whispered even though she was wishing to see him ever since he left that day "Crazy cause I haven't stopped thinking about you since last week I mean just a few days ago y/n you weren't even a thought in my head now I can't get you out, are you really telling me I haven't at least crossed your mind if you say no then you're lying also I'll fix your phone " *silence* "fine I admit I was hoping to see you again but things literally have changed like few hours change besides even if we can't stop thinking about each other, Rafe...are we supposed to be pretending all the time and faking like we hate each another around people" you look at him waiting for his response "fake it till you make it right" he smirked, you smack your lips surprised by his answer "right" was all y/n responded with sarcasm "oh and by the way jj is fixing my phone im sure you know your way out if not my brother can help goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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