5. Rafe Cameron

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Afternoon 2:30 pm Wednesday

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Afternoon 2:30 pm Wednesday

It was a very hot day in the outer banks girls were bikinis or shorts and the guy were shirtless with ripping abs, in the cut side down by the well prettier side compared to the rest of it was where the biggest house that any pouge owned stood still in an area called Blossom Street it was named after the big pink blossom tree which it's flowers never fell off during the winter stages this tree actually changed different colors for each season, winter time was y/n favorite because the flowers would turn white and it just made her feel at peace whenever she looked at it through her bedroom window.

Walking down blossom street Rafe walked up the few steps of the house to the front door *zing zing* no answer so he tried again but still no one came towards the door. As he was about to leave the door swung open and a boy came rushing out in football gear, he stopped in his tracks and stared up a Rafe "have we met before you look really familiar" Rafe eyed the boy trying to remember his name "oh yeah your y/n's lil brother um max is it" "yup that's me max with the packs" he mentions flexing his non existent muscles at Rafe. Rafe gave the small boy a half smile just as max was about to take off Rafe stopped him "wait is anyone else home cause I tried rigging the bell but no one answered" "uh yah my older sister is at home with my two younger siblings oh and the bell doesn't work plus it had absolutely nothing to do with me if your wondering right gotta go coach says if I'm late one more time I'm put on bench.

Once max had left Rafe knocked on the door loudly so whoever was inside could hear, he could hear footsteps coming towards the door "MAX I TOLD YOU TO-pack everything...um hi..can I help you" she said raising her eyebrows in confusion "oh Sonia wassup I was wondering if y/n was around" "why so you can slap her again nah she's not here" "Sonia I can not stress enough how much it's killing me inside about the whole situation which is why I am here, she said if I want to make it up to her she'll give me a shopping list" sonia scanned the boy to see if he truly meant what he said "hmm right come in and explain everything that happened that night while I write down the list for you.

A few hours later

"No John B no yellow listen I'm not having this conversation with you anymore it's either the black or dark blue suite GOODBYE" y/n went up her room changing into her lazy cotton shorts and a white tank top, she went over to her window closing the curtains as the heat was starting to drain her energy she hopped on her bed thinking maybe if she closed her eyes for a little while she would feel better. *Knock Knock* as y/n was lying on her bed she could hear mumbling coming from downstairs usually she would be noisy to see who the guest was as they always had people coming into their house but not today only because she seriously needed a recharge all of sudden there was a knock on her door, she ignored it hopefully the person would go away but then they knocked again she opens her eyes sighing from irritation opens her door and there stood someone she never imagined would be in her house let alone infront of her bedroom door "what the fuck are you doing here get out" she hissed at him her big sister pops her head up from the middle stairs " y/n Luna Volndart don't you be rude missy now he was nice enough to pay for our house supplies so you better speak to him right" " oh I'm sorry are you forgetting the part when I told you he hit me across the face" "y/n I said I was sorry" "please shut up Rafe I'm not talking to you right now...or like ever" "y/n he already apologized and he even did the shopping list you asked for jeez get over it, it's not the first time you've gotten hit before just do what the wise men said Forgive & Forget" "shopping list I-wait-WHAT- oh my gosh I was being SARCASTIC did you really think I was going to forgive you if you bought shit for my house be serious with yourself Rafe and you *points at sonia* your talking to me about forgive and forget okay okay so does that saying apply to our parents hm" "everyone but Luke and Samoan there's no forgiving or forgetting on their part haha...sis all seriousness though rafe's clearly trying I mean he wouldn't be here in front of you if he didn't care he told me everything that happened and I totally understood where he was coming from now I'm not saying be friends him that's your choice but at least hear him out okay" y/n knew her sister was right plus she wasn't the type of person to hold grudges or not give someone a second chance but it was RAFE fucking Cameron. She closed her eyes biting her lips not believing what she was about to do next she stepped aside asking Rafe if he would like to come in he gave her a small smile accepting the invitation before walking in, y/n began closing the door behind them seeing her sister put two thumbs up with her mouth opened before the door completely shut.

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