3. Teen Night Beach Party p.2

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Topper punched John B straight into his gut making him groan in pain before he could recover Topper threw him another punch this time to the face sticking his feet out making John B trip to the ground, JJ rushed over behind topper ready to attack ...

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Topper punched John B straight into his gut making him groan in pain before he could recover Topper threw him another punch this time to the face sticking his feet out making John B trip to the ground, JJ rushed over behind topper ready to attack him but then Rafe blocked his way "Hmm can't let you do that" he said moving closer to JJ "oh okay how about this then" boom JJ straight up punched Rafe in the nose making him bleed once Rafe felt and saw the blood he lost his mind, tackling JJ to the ground giving him an advantage to repeatedly punch him while on top with that Richard also got up and began fighting one of the other kook boys that jumped him.

While all this was going down the beach had now turned into a war zone with both sides physically attacking each other.
Sarah: Topper STOP, John B let go of him
Cleo: Yo rude boy get off him now for I cut your finger
Kelce: oh yeah are you threatening me Bitch
Pope: Don't call her a bitch, elbow's Kelce in the ribs
Kiara: grabs a microphone that she found turns it on causing it to make a loud squeaky siren sound scrunching her face by the effect and yelling "Everyone hellooo stop fighting" then a girl in the crowd yells back "oh shut up Kiara you think your some woke spiritual good girl that thinks she's one of the pogues but lives on figure 8 if you ask me I smell identity disorder" "just by the Mickey mouse voice I know exactly who that is so why don't you step up here and say it to my face" kiara called out through the the microphone.
Y/n: Richard, For the love of God Richi will you stop she said trying to pull him off the boy who's face was already full of blood but to no success she looked up and saw Rafe straggling JJ's neck "oh my gosh JJ, Rafe that's too far THATS TOO FAR!! at this point JJ's face was starting to turn red not being able to breath with Rafe's arm still around his neck tightly "rafe please I'm begging you to stop" she yelled after all she new what he was capable of, he was the the one that shot sheriff Peterkin and shot Sarah when her and John B were on the run in the Bahamas so there was no doubt in her mind that he wouldn't kill JJ. She starts to hit Rafe out of anger hopefully it would distract him enough to let go of JJ "what are yo- piss off , stop I'm warning you y/n, I SAID STOP IT" *clap*

Y/n was met on the sandy floor her ears ringing and her face starting to burn up Rafe Cameron just slapped me she thought to her self she could feel tears begin to pile but quickly dried them before they start to fall from her eyes, she was feeling a bunch of mix emotions as she stayed placed on the sand with her hair covering her face, she felt frozen, sad, angry & in pain she didn't want to move she couldn't move due to her shock. As y/n was on the ground Rafe was towering over her he couldn't believe what he had just done he looked down at his hands and realized for the first time in his life he hit a girl, yes he knew it wasn't as bad a literally killing someone but he denies purposely trying to kill Peterkins he was only trying to protect his dad and the time he shot Sarah was an accident he was aiming at John B then cleo shoved his arm.

Once JJ recovered from his chokehold finally able to catch his breath he stood up with pure furious rage seeing y/n on the ground clearly in pain he took out the gun from his back pointing it in the air
*Bang Bang*
People heard gun shots and began running different directions trying to avoid getting hit with the bullets thinking there was a shootout "ALL YOU FUCKING KOoKs GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR SIDE NOW"
Everyone ran expect Rafe he was unfazed by the sound of the gun just fixated at the girl on the ground that he just slapped, not noticing JJ had now been pointing the gun straight at him.
Pope: "JJ think about what your about to do, don't lose it man" he spoke worriedly
Kiara: "JJ one finger is all it takes and you would be proving all those people that doubt you right, please don't do it" she pleaded.

While the commotion was happening y/n was getting the courage to move her body, Sarah rushes over to her to check if her best friend was okay
Sarah: "I got you your good" she softly spoke to y/n helping her get up. Sarah looks up a her brother with disgust then over a JJ who was behind him "JJ if you wanna shoot Rafe go ahead "Sarah" "no kie, do it JJ..but just know when you pull that trigger you will be just as bad as him she said fiercely pointing at her brother only difference is you won't get away with it, you will spend the rest of your life in a cell is that WHAT YOU WANT she said loudly speaking through her teeth cause I don't want that for you.

John B: JJ we see each other as brothers right?" he said slowly moving towards jj with his hands up "dude you guys are literally the only family I got and I'm not ready to lose any of you especially you JJ" he said still slowly walking towards him.
JJ turned his head to look at John B but then notice he was getting closer towards him
JJ: "GET BACK JOHN B OR I SWEAR-" "okay okay Im going back JJ I'm going back" JohnB says cutting him off mid sentences, "Look you just don't get it man...I'm tired of of this SHIT and everything he put us through yet he still gets to stand here and DO WHATEVER THE FUCK HE WANTS" JJ yells, the pouges look at their friend who was having an emotional breakdown "stop looking at me as if I'm unhinged or something"
John B: "JJ I get it" he said trying to sympathize with his friend
JJ: "No John B I...I *his voice cracks* listen..ahhh it's not FAIR..why..fuck" JJ's eyes were starting to become blurry due to the tears building up he began shaking nervously with the gun in his right arm trying to stop himself from doing something he would later regret but it felt like his heart and brain weren't trying to cooperate with each other, he was Stuck.

Y/n was standing there in silence watching as everyone tried to get through to JJ they have never seen him like this before and it made hear heart beat faster than it should be. She kept her eyes on JJ un sure if she should step forward or not scared if she does he would shoot Rafe which was the last thing she wanted not cause it could kill him but because JJ would lose everything & everyone including himself. She went with her gut feeling and took a step forward walking past Rafe as if he wasn't even there or did what he did.
Y/n: "JJ" her voice soft and quiet
JJ: "y/n stay back" tears falling from his cheeks to the ground
Y/n: continues on walking towards him until she is right in-front of the gun that he was still pointing at Rafe, she grabs his left hand that was free looking at him with a sorrow & her eyebrows turned upwards, "I'm in front of the gun now JJ are you still gonna shoot" he didn't say a word "JJ look at me look at us don't you see what's happening here, if you won't put the gun down for yourself then at least do for us the people who care about you and love you" she grabs his face wiping the tears off "please JJ....just breath and let go" with her last words he closed his eyes trying to regain control of himself breathing in and breathing out slowly pointing the gun down
Cleo: That's it JJ you can do it
John B: Come on JJ
Y/n: Just keep on breathing JJ
He took one last breath in and finally breathing out dropping the gun next to him on the ground.
Kiara: oh my gosh she actually got through to him *laugh of relief*
Sarah: That's my girl !! Yess y/n
JJ: Luna I'm sorry I was trying to stop *cries* I promise, guys I promise ... I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me.
They all ran towards y/n & JJ creating a group hug in support of their friend except for cleo she walked over to Rafe who had been standing there the whole time without a word escaping his lips but he didn't have to say anything cause his face said it all
Cleo: Aye why don't you do yourself a favor er and leave
Rafe: Um *swallows* I just want to say
Cleo: Ah Ah Ah Ah don't say not in take your self and leave

Cleo turned her back towards Rafe going over to her friends that were still embracing each other , she smiles to herself going over to join them, Rafe started walking backwards not taking his eyes off the group until there was a far distance from the both of them then disappeared into the darkness.

🗣Wow guys that was a lot to write I have no ideas what the next chapter is gonna be like but hopefully you enjoy it and YOU ARE enjoying 😝💕

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