6. Fake it!!

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A week has went by since y/n had seen Rafe she hoped she would bump into him whenever she went down to the town hall, this was where you would find both sides of the island everywhere

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A week has went by since y/n had seen Rafe she hoped she would bump into him whenever she went down to the town hall, this was where you would find both sides of the island everywhere. She knew she had to let the thought of him go for many reasons so she did what she does best and pushed the feelings aside.

The girls decided to go out for lunch to get their minds off the whole key thing and Denmark's diary, they sat down at a round table trying to enjoy the little moment of normalcy

Y/n: okay I know we came here to forget about the whole Limbery situation but do you think they're on their way back right now
Kiara: no doubt in my mind matter fact there probably already here
All: KIE!!
Kiara: orrr not I don't know
Sarah: guys can we drop it okay I just wanna be a normal girl for just minute let's gossip you know talk about which girl we hate, which boy we're crushing on please anything but treasuree. Sarah pleaded
Y/n: alright fine umm...kie anything new with you and pope
Kie: there's...there's nothing going on between me and him
Sarah: I call bullshit *giggles*
Kie: I'm being serious there's nothing going on, besides no pouge on pouge macking
Cleo: damn kiara you really out here playing with pope's feelings leading him on, not cool kie not cool
Kie: WHAT no I'm not I just said I didn't like him in that way
Cleo: yeah then what your gonna change your mind tomorrow and decide maybe you do like him, only for you to change it again
Kie: wow I see what's going on, your taking your feelings out on me cause pope isn't giving you the attention you want, pinch me but I think cleo here is jealous, oh my cleo do you have crush on pope hmm
Y/n&Sarah: Guys!!
Cleo: at least I'm not the one doing groupie with the boys tah no question jj is next
Cleo: "seems like the shoe fits"cleo said giving her a sassy look
Kie: Sorry but you have no place to be talking to me like that you've barley been here for 2 whole months clearly we've made you real comfortable but let me tell you something you island bitch you just got here, you don't know me or any of us that well so you better watch your mouth cleo cause I won't mind shutting it for you Kiara spat out viciously
Y/n: The both of you cut it out NOW!! my fault for bringing it up but speaking of pope he just texted saying we should meet at the deck c'mon
Sarah: not the best time to say this but why did I sorta feel happy about that argument she said walking with y/n
Y/n: What's wrong with you haha maybe it's like you said petty stuff like boys
Sarah: righhh awww now I'm sad it's back to treasure hunting conversation

As the girls left the restaurant kiara and cleo made sure to stay far apart from each other, y/n and sarah knew not to pick a side because that would only cause more problems although deep inside y/n was kind of on Cleo's side only because sometimes it did feel like kie doesn't know whether or not she likes pope. They continued walking making small talk till someone bumps into y/n's shoulders making her drop her Phone cracking the screen "*gasp* no no no my phone is already bad enough it cant take another hit ugh the least you could do is turned around and say your SORRYYY" she screamed out to the the tall male figure who's back looked very familiar "wait is that" Sarah stopped mid sentence jogging over to the guy turning him around "you broke y/n phone Rafe and your gonna fix it" Rafe stared at his sister then up at y/n "it was an accident my bad" "well are you gonna fix it" kiara said questioning him, y/n didn't say anything just stared at the boy who was acting like they didn't share a moment when he was at her house "I said it was accident now piss off" "hey guys it's okay I'll just...I'll make it work em let me know later about you know" y/n spoke her voice quite with a hint of sadness as she walks away without even waiting for her friends to respond.

I got home as fast as I could I didn't know whether or not I should cry or be annoyed that my phone was broken, I go upstairs hearing my two younger siblings playing all I could think about was how I'm gonna tell Sonia. I get the courage go over to her room knocking on her door but no answer, I opened it anyway but she wasn't there I then go to Tommy's & Isabella's room only to find them but no Sonia "yo tommy have you seen Sonia" "Nooo she said she's coming back" he said as he duck tape Isabella onto his train tracks "yeahh and she'll bring cookiessss" Isabella screamed oblivious to what my brother was doing to her "oh uh okay RICHARD *no response* MAX *no response* un-fucking believable they left you two ALONE in the house" I reached for my phone ready to yell at one of them only to remember I don't currently have a working phone.

*knock knock* I went over to the front door it definitely had to be Richard he always forgets his key, I opened the door not to be met with my brother but "JJ what are you doing here" "the girls told me what happened so came to check on you can I come in" "yeah of course um I'm good honestly I mean yeah my phone is broken but now I'm pissed cause my stupid siblings left tommy and Bella at home by themselves" "yo aren't they like 7 and 4" "*squints eyes* 5 and 3" "well papa J is here to take care of them including you" he said walking closer to me grabbing my hands "you know I may have enough saved up to help fix your phone" "what JJ no you worked hard for that plus you might need it for something important" "your right and would you look at that, the important thing just came up" JJ looked at me smiling boy is he cute when he gives me that look "I promise I'll pay you back" I grabbed JJ's face to give him a kiss on the cheek but he moved his face making me kiss him on the lips the strange part was we didn't stop, he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him the heat between us was starting to rise "JJ" "shh shh shh" he pulled off my top making us break our kiss but quickly went straight back into it.

Me and JJ ran up to my room fully taken off all our clothes he was left with his boxers while I was in my black lace bra and underwear, he stared at me scanning my body I found it sexy how intrigued he was. His six packs were clearly visible and his muscles were there without him having to flex, jj picked me bridal style into my bed he began to kiss my lips moving down to my neck as he did so he moved his hands inside my underwear gently rubbing on my vagina his other hand goes into bra squeezing my breast "fuck JJ" I say breathing heavy he then sticks 1 finger inside me going in and out I couldn't resist the pleasure but I wanted more "2 fingers" I say grabbing his shoulders, he smirked at me "2 it is then *gets closer to y/n ears* with speed" jj began fingering me faster taking joy in my pleasure and moans, the way I called out his name softly with a hint of mercy. I took off my bra and he pulled off my underwear now I was completely naked and jj was in awe he took of his boxers and boy was his dick standing strong "wow looks like someone is ready *giggles* I say looking down at JJ
"Been waiting for this moment for a long time" JJ gets on top of me feeling on my hard nipples laughing to himself cause he knew for a fact I was horny and just wanted to tease me he looked at me asking if I was ready I nodded yes but truly I was scared as this would be my first time, oh my gosh I'm about to loose my virginity to JJ Maybank that was not on my summer list at all I thought to myself. He kissed my lips to distract me as he began to put the tip of his dick inside me, my heart started to beat faster "wait Jayj...you do know I'm a Virgin right" he froze at first before giving me a serious look "I thought you were joking for a sec but your um your serious uh okay yeah that's fine I'll be extra gentle I promise *kisses y/n*" he slowly pushed in the tip trying to force it in which made me wince obviously one because his dick was actually wow and two I'm a VIRGIN, he asked if I was okay before continuing on pushing inside "damn y/n you truly are a tight Virgin okay the only way this is gonna go in is if I insert all the way but that means I'm gonna need to push hard and fast which is gonna hurt" "okay do-do it" I nervously say, JJ grabs my hand for support he started a countdown from 3 so I could embrace myself "3,2" the second he landed on 1 I quickly yelled for him STOP!!

"y/n are you okay what's wrong" he asked concerned " I am so sorry but I can't do this I don't think I'm ready yet I just-ugh" " no look at me it's fine it's totally fine it's not a rush" "yeah but now your turned on and I basically just lead you on" "man come on I'm good don't worry about it", JJ laidback beside me on the bed there was a nice silence between us just the both of us naked on top of my sheets "hey JJ even tho we can't have sex dose not mean I can't still please you" "what are you talking about gorgeous" I get in front of him wetting my lips I grab his cock spitting on it making it well easier for me I began to suck on it like a nice big lollipop, I could her jj moaning gripping the sheets whispering my name I was definitely doing a good job I went fast using my hand for extra help "y/n don't stop oh my gosh fuck keep going" as I continue JJ's dick started to soften he had released in my mouth I made sure to suck the whole thing so none went on my bed I quickly rushed to the toilet to spit it out washing my mouth with mouth wash.

I came back to my room seeing JJ all laid back smiling to himself "now that...that was amazing there's no way that was your fist time" "pshh please no first timer could pull what I did off" JJ looked at me shocked I laughed goofing with him I put on my clothes while he went to go clean himself off I can't believe that just happened I thought to myself grinning, gee I hope Tommy and Isabella didn't hear all that noise.

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