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"Marco, are you ready?" Star asked Marco.

"Yeah! Waiting on you!" Marco called.

Star and Marco rushed down the stairs to say bye to Eclipsa and Marco opened a portal to the Goblin Dog truck on a hot planet.

"Hey, Guys!" Kelly called out.

Marco and Star waved as they approached the group. Tom, Kelly, Tad, Ponyhead and Janna were there.

"It's been a hot minute, huh?" Marco mentioned.

"Sure has. Great to see you again Marco" Tad said as he high-fived Marco.

"Hey... Marco..." Kelly said awkwardly.

"Heya, Kelly!" Marco said trying to break down the aura of awkwardness around them.

"Marco Diaz!" Tom said as they clasped hands.

"Heya Tom. What's up?"

"Nothin' Nothin'"

"So, Marco, Star. You ready to eat some of these fabled Goblin Dogs?" Janna said as she popped out of nowhere.

"It's been a while since I've had a Goblin Dog. I'm amped!" Star said giddily.

"I've never had one! I'm super excited! I hear it's like cocaine but less harmful! Cocaine was pretty mild, honestly..." Janna said happily.

"What do you mean it was mild, Janna? HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?" Marco asked worriedly.

"Just... don't worry about it..." Janna said slyly.

Marco gulped and they all got in line.

"Looks like the line is actually moving this time. And it isn't as ridiculous" Ponyhead pointed out.

Marco noticed Star was unusually chatty with Tom. He didn't seem to mind, though. He assumed they were just talking through some stuff.

Once the line had diminished, Marco ordered 6 Goblin Dogs and they all sat down to eat.

"Man... I'm bugging out..." Janna said as she examined her hand.

They were all very... indisposed and were freaking out.

"I can't feel my fingers..." Tad whispered as he moved them.

"I can smell colours..." Marco said dreamily.

Tom laughed drunkenly as he saw his best friend trip out.

After their acid trip, they all went to a regular restaurant on Earth to actually eat something that wouldn't make them as high as a kite.


"In a few hours, the bombers will be ready to deploy. They will blow that city into rubble until Toffee is found" a servant said to Eclipsa.

"Good, Good" she mumbled.


After their fun day out Marco and Star left the others and went back to the temple. Star went to her room and Marco went downstairs and saw Eclipsa.

"Hey, Eclipsa" he said happily.

"Hey, Marco" She said sadly as she saw his happy face.

"What's up?"

"Nothing... nothing at all..."

"Are you sure...?"

"Marco. I think it's time"

"Time... for what?"

"Time to tell Star how you feel" Eclipsa said out of the blue.

"W-What? Why now?"

♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Where stories live. Discover now