💓new addition💓

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Luke swiftly opened the door to his house he shared with his his husband. It was fairly late at night by the time he had come home from work today; 9:10 to be exact.

He tried to be as quiet as he could as he unlocked the door with his keys and stepped inside, knowing that their 7 year old daughter would be asleep at this time.

He gently closed the door from behind, although it created a rather loud squeak as it slammed shut. Luke squinted his eyes at the sudden noise, praying he didn't wake his daughter as he knew how much trouble Zander would've been through to get her to sleep.

The auburn male took off his shoes and stored them away neatly before removing his coat and jogging upstairs. He gently knocked on his and Zander's bedroom door before opening it carefully.

There he saw his husband reading peacefully in bed, a dim lighting coming from a small lamp on the bedside table.
Luke smiled contently as he closed the door and walked over to Zander.

"Hey." He mumbled, his usual deep voice sounding groggy from tiredness.

Zander looked up from his book and noticed his husband as he sat on the edge of their bed. "Oh, hey." He smiled lazily, taking a small sigh of relief, "I was getting worried, why are you so late home?" He asked, and Luke could already recognise the slight fear and concern in Zander's voice. He always assumes the worst.

Luke knew exactly why he was late back.

"I'll tell you in a minute." He sighed, stroking the side of Zander's cheek tenderly.

And of course that sentence made Zander's suspicions rise higher. He was quick to jump to conclusions, often feeling that one change in routine meant the worst possible things.

"Why.. what is it?" He grumbled, shifting his position under the covers.

Luke chuckled slightly at Zander's overly serious attitude. "Don't worry love, it's nothing bad. Promise." He smiled, kissing his husband on the forehead. "I'll change first, and when I get into bed, I'll tell you."

Zander just side-eyed him.


The purplette covered his mouth with his hands, and if you looked close enough you could see small tears visible in the corners of his lavender gaze.

"Oh my gosh." He mumbled, and immediately starting kissing Luke all over.

The brunette chuckled at the action, pulling his husband closer.

"I'm so so proud to call you my husband." Zander whispered, before tenderly kissing his neck. "I mean, you saved an animal's LIFE. That's huge! I'm so proud of you."

Luke smiled, recalling the earlier memory of him at work, saving the little black labrador's life. From the looks of it, the puppy's life had only begun, and Luke made sure it wasn't going to end early.

He took pride in his job, and made sure he worked as hard as he could. And this was the first time he had actually saved a dying animal. Usually it was just giving treatment and such, but this was a massive step up.

"Sooo...." Zander smiled cheekily, nuzzling Luke's collarbone. He blinked up at his husband with his 'cute look', which consists of him batting his eyelids and smiling widely.

Luke could instantly tell that Zander wanted something, and he could take a pretty good guess of what it was.

"...what do you want...?" The taller male sighed.

Zander thought carefully about his next words, "Is this puppy you speak of going to have a home...?" He asked, drawing circles on Luke's chest.

Luke just rolled his eyes and smiled, he knew what Zander was hoping for, but he himself wasn't so sure of it.
"You want the dog, don't you?"

"Well if you insist-"

"No." Luke sighed again, "Zander we already have Autumn! Taking care of two dogs is taking on too much, don't you think? Especially considering it's a puppy..."

Zander's smile formed into a frown.
"I promise I'll take good care of him! I swear! I'll take him for walks, clean up his shit, feed him... and don't you think Hazel would love another doggie? 🥺"

Luke leaned his head back against the headboard. Well, if zander was so desperate, he couldn't really refuse. And the puppy had nowhere else to go so..


Zander's head perked up. "Huh?!"

"We can keep the dog."

Let's just say that night was full of cuddles, kisses and giggles. (Mainly from Zander)


Couple weeks later

Zander opened the door to their house with a new puppy in his arms. "Welcome to your new home, little one!" He smiled, dumping the dog bed, toys and food down on the ground.

It was almost time to pick up Hazel from her friend's house, and boy was Zander excited to show her their new addition to the family.
One small thing they had forgotten though was to name the poor thing.

"What do we name him?" Zander asked, trying to let the puppy out of his arms and onto the ground but it wouldn't budge.

"Hm, how about... Pepper?" Luke suggested, "I mean, he's black like pepper?"

Zander giggled at Luke's suggestion. He was so happy right now, "Yes! Hello, Pepper." He smiled at the puppy.

Suddenly the couple heard barks echoing through the living room and heading towards them.

"Oh Autumn!" Zander smiled, "meet your new baby brother!" The purplette tried putting  Pepper on the ground, and this time, he jumped down and began sniffing the fuck out of Autumn and vice versa.

"Awww my babies!" Zander gushed as the two sniffed eachother butts 💀


Luke put his blinker on to indicate left as he drove through the quiet streets of his neighbourhood with his daughter who had just finished her play date with her friend.
He had to admit he was excited to show her the new puppy.

Luke parked the car in the drive way and unlocked the front door, and immediately there was barking. Not unusual. But what was different was that there were two dogs barking and running towards the door.

Hazel pushed past Luke to see what was happening and was immediately tackled by Autumn.

"Hey Autumn!! She giggled, letting the large golden retriever lick her face. Then she saw another little dog run past her.
And her little eyes lit up.

Zander and Luke watched in awe as Hazel began playing with Pepper. "WAIT DO WE HAVE A NEW DOG? IS IT OURS??" She practically yelled. Just like her father, Hazel herself had a massive heart for puppies.

Zander chuckled, "Yep, he's all ours. His name is Pepper."

"Remember that I told you that I saved a little puppy's life?" Luke knelt down to her level, "Well this is the puppy."

"REALLY?" She yelled again, causing Autumn to start barking.

"Told you it was a good idea" zander muttered and Luke just rolled his eyes.

sry it's kinda rushed near the end and i didnt Proof read 😞

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now