An Angel, a Demon and a Doctor (Doctor Who/Good Omens Crossover Part 3)

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The book shop was quiet, as you'd expect from a book shop. What you might not expect were the two divine entities sitting on a sofa, and one Time lord sitting on the sofa opposite.

"So, you're a Time Lord from Gallifrey?" Confirmed Aziraphale.

"Exactly. And you two are....."

"Well, it's quite complicated. It all started in the Garden of Eden." Began Aziraphale. Crowley cut in.

"Oh, give him the simple version. I'm a Demon sent to cause problems on earth, and he's an angel sent to perform miracles. That's it, now can we please get on with this."

The Doctor pretended to ignore the last bit. He knew they planned on wiping his mind after the conversation, but Aziraphale and Crowley didn't need to know that he was in on their plan. The information that demons and angels were real shocked him, but also made perfect sense of the strange readings he had received from the sonic that day in the park. Now, The Doctor was relatively used to finding something out that revolutionised his way of thinking, but this was more of a Forget everything you think you know and rebuild it from scratch kinda situation, so he didn't quite know what to think. After a few seconds, he said:

"Hang on a second, if you're from heaven and hell, not saying I believe it, aren't you supposed to be like....mortal enemies. Surely you're not supposed to be friends."

Aziraphale and Crowley looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Before they could answer, the Doctor's train of thought moved on.

"But can you actually perform miracles? What are heaven and hell like? How do you get to them? Are there other demons? I take it that god is real in your situation, so have you like, properly, met GOD? I have so many questions you have no idea."

"Good for you." Said Crowley, with the air of someone absolutely ready to move on with his life and this irritating stranger. Aziraphale gave him a look that clearly said "Come on, can't you try just a little bit harder?" Crowley rolled his eyes.

"Yes, we can perform miracles." He said resignedly, "Look, I'll show you." He snapped his fingers and the door swung open. He gestured to the Doctor to leave, and then looked at Aziraphale, muttering, "Now might be a good time to, you know..." he trailed his hands in the air, signifying the mind wipe. The Doctor decided that now was actually the time to cut the pretence.

"I know you're planning to use your miracles to wipe my memories." He said.

"We would never!" Said Crowley dramatically. Aziraphale gave him a look, and Crowley also dropped the pretence.

"Alright, maybe we were. But you knowing won't change the fact we could remove all of your knowledge of us with a flick of the wrist." He flicked his wrist gently, to prove his point.

"It does, though." The Doctor held up his hand, to show a red light underneath the skin.

"Nanorecorder," he announced proudly, "Coded to our voice patterns. It's picked up everything that's been said since I activated it, just after I heard you talking in there." He gestured to the back room. "If I leave with no memories, I'll notice the flashing and replay the recording." Crowley and Aziraphale looked surprised. They weren't sure what they'd been expecting, but it wasn't this. This certainly complicated things.

"Maybe you are good at sneaking around." Said Crowley, after a moment.

"What's that supposed to mean," said the Doctor, slightly indignantly, "I've been excellent at sneaking around all day!"

Crowley and Aziraphale shared a look, then looked to the Doctor. He sighed.

"Fine, maybe not when I was tailing you two. But before that I was exemplary."

"That reminds me, what were you doing here in the first place? Like that lovely young woman said the last time, all of time and space, why come to London?" Asked Aziraphale.

"London's very nice."

Crowley and Aziraphale looked sceptical.

"But when you've got 'All of Time and Space' to chose from?" Pointed out Crowley.

"Well, if you must know, I heard rumour of a rouge weeping angel in London. I came to check it out, but I couldn't find anything. I was sort of in the middle of an important errr... thing, so I do need to be getting back." His tone was slightly questioning, as if hoping they would let him go, but unsure of what their verdict would be. Crowley and Aziraphale shared a look.

"I suppose it would be alright for you to go." Said Aziraphale slowly.

"Without wiping my memories?"

"There would be no point now, would there." Answered Crowley, nodding at the red light on the Doctor's hand.

"I suppose not." Smiled the Doctor, pleased that his plan had worked out. "Well, I'll just go then?"

"Yes, please do." Insisted Crowley.

"Hang on. I have a question."

Crowley rolled his eyes. Aziraphale ignored him.

"What's a weeping angel?"

"They look like normal stone angel statues, but they're only the most dangerous and powerful species in the universe. Quantum locked when observed, and faster than you can imagine when they're not. With one touch they can send you back in time and feed of the energy of the life you could've lived."

"Wonderful." Aziraphale added sarcastically. "I wish I'd never asked."

"So do I, please just go." Said Crowley, exasperated.

"Fine, I'm going." He walked a few steps, then added, "Oh, I forgot to say, if you ever do see a weeping angel, which for your sake I hope you never do, remember not to blink."

Crowley glared at him, and he turned and left in a hurry. Flicking his wrist, Crowley made the door slam aggressively shut behind him, then he turned back to Aziraphale, who was staring at the space behind Crowley, still as a statue.

"Crowley," he muttered, while still not moving, "Turn around. And whatever you do, don't blink."

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