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"BRI ARE YOU ALMOST READY?" filly shouts from the bottom of the stairs. "ALMOST" you reply. you have been living with filly for the past 3 years ever since your parents split up and your dad moved back to somalia, your mum was stressed and you wanted to give her some space, you have 3 other siblings. an older brother and 2 younger sisters. so you decided to move out to help your mum. "HURRY WE NEED TO GO" filly and his friends decided to go to a club tonight and filly invited you to go with them. You walk down stairs in a short tight black dress and some black heels, your sequin bag on your arm and you are looking in your phone camera at your rushed makeup. "finally" he says as he grabs his keys and opens the door. you both get in the car and set off, filly can see your quite agitated. "you don't need to be nervous everyone will love you" he says reassuringly. filly knows your not good at meeting new people. you nod and look out the window.

the car stops and you see a group of people standing outside. one catches your eye. he's tall, like super tall and is looking at his phone. filly shouts them all and he looks up. his gorgeous eyes locking onto yours as you get out the car. everyone is saying hi and giving you hugs and complements as you all meet. then the boy from before comes up to you. he flashes you a beautiful smile and hugs you as you both say hi, "sharky" he says. "Brianna" you smile snd say back. you all go inside and everyone is chatting having a good time and you have been drinking. a little too much for you as you go and talk to a random guy.

your chatting and laughing with eachother but you can see someone staring at you from across the room. Sharky. you then see him walk over and he looks at the guy, you don't see the face he makes but it's enough to make the guy walk away. you turn around "what the fuck was that for?" you shout. "he's obviously trying to take advantage of you your drunk Brianna" sharky shouts back. you both start arguing a lot to the point where your screaming and filly comes over. he grabs your arm "we're going now Bri" and takes you to the others to say goodbye. you are hugging and saying bye to everyone when you see sharky. he gives you a dirty look so you put ur middle finger up at him and walk off.

when you and filly are in the car he turns to you "before that argument you and sharky were getting along well what happened?" he says. "i don't know he was just being annoying and i hate him" you reply. filly mumbles "i don't think you do hate him" but you don't hear over the car radio. when your home you get into bed and drift to sleep almost immediately.

(526 words)

enemies to lovers (SHARKY BETA SQUAD)Where stories live. Discover now