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as you go into the living room you sit down. everyone looks at you and looks at eachother and bursts out laughing. niko says "so i guess you and sharky made up then". "what do you mean" you reply as he points to your neck. you pull out your phone and see acouple hikeys on your neck. you go bright red and quickly go upstairs to sharkys room as everyone starts eating. he's sat on his bed when you burst in. "sharky!!" you say, "yeah?" he says and you point to your neck. he smiles and laughs "you want more?" he says as he stands up and walks closer. your bsck against the wall and his face is inches away from yours.

"do you want me?" sharky says. silence. you don't know what to say. but apparently your silence answered his question. he takes a step closer to you. he moves the strand of hair in your face out of the way and tucks it behind you ear. "tell me to stop" he says. you don't. he traces his finger around you waist on your curves. "you should really start telling me to stop" he whispers in your ear. you, still, don't. his hand smoothly goes up your body and into your hair. "if you don't tell me to stop then i won't" he says in a deeper voice. your trying to catch your breath and keep up with what's going on but you don't tell him to stop. you both close your eyes and he kisses you. this one is different tho. this one feels like his lips are giving yours electric shocks. it's soft at first. then he deepens it. "tell me to stop" he says. "don't stop" you finally manage to say in a breathless whisper. "fuck" he whispers. he lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him. he puts you on the bed and starts kissing you everywhere. he takes of your top and you take of his. skin touches skin. your butterflies are now going crazy. "i will stop right now if you tell me to" he says. "i won't tell you to" you reply. "why don't you tell me to stop?" he says. "because.." "because i hate you" you reply smiling and he smirks. he kisses around your bra and you close your eyes.

then you hear filly shouting you. you jump up quickly throw a top on. not realising it was the top he was wearing 5 mins ago and run to the top of the stairs. "BRI" he says. "yeah?" you reply. "do you want to stay here tonight?". he says. "yeah sure if you want" and he says "okay" then goes back in the living room. you walk downstairs to get a drink and say to the guys. "hey where would i be staying" they look at you and your(well sharkys) top. "nice top bri" aj says and you look down and realise. shit. "well it looks like you would be fine staying in sharkys room" niko says and you hesitate trying to say the right words. you feel hands slither around your waist and a voice behind you says "that sounds good to me" you spin around and see him shirtless and zone out staring at his body. "w- where's your top"you slowly say "the one i was wearing 10 mins ago?" he points at you "right here" you go red and the others sit there snickering to themselves.

it starts getting late and your all watching a film in the cinema room. your sat next to sharky and you feel an arm around your waist. you feel like teasing him so so you slowly move onto his lap and sit there for 5 mins before moving around trying to get comfy. he whispers in your ear "stop moving. but you don't listen so he picks you up and takes you to his room, saying goodnight to the others befor going.

enemies to lovers (SHARKY BETA SQUAD)Where stories live. Discover now