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caption - my best friend, Nicholas Daniel Adegbajumo Omilana, is 25 years old. and a youtuber, for the NDL and BETA SQUAD. i'm my opinion, he is the nicest person in the history of the universe.

tagged - @nikoomilana

liked by ohnosharky, nikoomilana and 72,345 others

nikoomilana- MY BSF. LOVE  💕
           ~BRI_ANNA.XO- @nikoomilana LOVE 💕


user- what happened to sharky+bri
      ~amelia.xxx-@user hes mine.


chunkz- awh this is so cute

ohnosharky- cute guys
       ~amelia.xxx- why have u commented?
                  -tap for more comments

xxx- why have u commented?                  -tap for more comments

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caption- bsf appreciation, brianna your my bestfriend and sister a sister to me. i am so lucky to have u. thankyou for everything. love 💕
  tagged - BRI_ANNA.XO

liked by bri_anna.xo, ohnosharky and 765,268 others

BRI_ANNA.XO- your okay sometimes. love 💕

     -the rest of comments have been disabled-

the boys, bri and amelia..
chunkz- yo it's been awhile
chunkz- we ain't been out in ages and the sidemen are having a fancy party we're invited to. u all coming?

ajshabeel- ye i will

kingkennytv- same

ohnosharky- me too

darkestman- can't make it sorry cuz :(

harry- me neither i'm busy tonight. have fun tho

nikoomilana- me and bri will

ohnosharky- why do u have to answer for brianna?

nikoomilana- because i'm with her rn?

ohnosharky- ohh.. right.

amelia.xxx- i'm so so soooooo sorry but i can't make it.
amelia.xxx- sharky? why are u so bothered that niko answered for brianna.

ohnosharky- i'm not.

no sharky or amelia
chunkz ▶️|1||1|1|||||111|1⏯️ 0.45 seconds

ajshabeel- TRUSTT. she's always trying to start on brianna and be a victim or arguing with sharks

kingkennytv- ikkkk she blames bri for everything when she does nothing wrong

niko- bri said thanks guys

enemies to lovers (SHARKY BETA SQUAD)Where stories live. Discover now