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caption- lunch date with bsf. thankyou niko the food and rant was needed. love 💕

liked by ohnosharky, nikoomilana and 364,596 others

nikoomilana - 💕
  <BRI_ANNA.XO-@nikoomilana 💕

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caption - swr she's getting to popular. i spoil this girl too much. i'm accepting boyfriend applications to do this job for me, comes with a loving girl yet no money

tagged - @BRI_ANNA.XO

liked by bri_anna.xo, miniminter, and 12,847,947 others
@bri_anna.xo -😮i would never spend your money
< yeah right 😂😂😂

@user- 📝.                          (signing application)


@chunkz - unlucky manz ur stuck with that bc no wayyy we letting her have a boyfriend

@sharkyfan123 - i sign for sharky 📝
<amelia.xxx - excuse me?? he has a gf
<user- ye and nobody likes you🤣

@sharky- niko tell bri i need to speak to her when she's home
<@nikoomilana - okay
<@amelia.xxx - erm why do u need to speak to her

whilst at lunch niko was reading through some of his comments and replying to them.
"sharky said he wants to speak to u later"  he says. "great. i wonder what that will be about? will he end up making out with me then ignoring me or just be plain rude to me" you say sarcastically. "maybe he just wants to be on good terms, you guys haven't exactly got on well since you met us"niko replies. "yeah maybe." just as you finish talking about sharky you get a text.

                                    harry 💓
hey, are you free tonight at
7, i found this really nice
restaurant i want to take
you to, let me know x

hey harry yes i'm free
tonight, pick me up at
6:30 x

okay x

"omg niko niko niko" you say excited more than ever. he whips his head up "yes?!"

"harry.. he's taking me out.. tonight!" you say and you both get really happy and excited.

you guys finish your meal then leave.

when you get home with niko your both laughing at something you said when you walk through the door and see sharky stood there awkwardly. niko gives you a small nod and rubs your shoulder before walking upstairs.

"brianna could i talk to you.. alone" he says as you both head upstairs into his room. you both sit on the bed and he struggles to find the words before just bursting out. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry for everything, i'm sorry i dragged that guy away from you at the club the first day we met, i'm sorry for making things awkward between us when i kissed you lots that night, i'm sorry for inviting amelia out to dinner and playing you on. i'm sorry for all the shit amelia has ever said to you, i'm sorry for shouting at you at the sidemen party. i am so sorry for everything." you sit there, abit shocked. processing everything he just said before saying, "i'm sorry too, don't worry, that's all in the past. we can be friends now if you want?"

"yes, please" he replies. "also, could i make up for this. let me take you out tonight, just in a friendly way of course. let me do this as a sorry" you think about saying yes then remember harry is picking you up at 6;30 "sharky i would love to but maybe a different night, harry's taking me out later he's picking me up in..." you check your phone "oh shoot he's coming to get me in 1 hour and a half i need to get ready. i'm so sorry but i'm glad we made up"

"oh okay" he says as you quickly rush out of his room to get ready.

enemies to lovers (SHARKY BETA SQUAD)Where stories live. Discover now