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your still getting ready when you check your phone time. 5:57. you start worrying that you will be late but carry on getting ready. you decide to go for a metallicy blue looking dress, your hair down and straight and your favourite gold hoop earrings in.
"NIKOOOOOO" you shout. after acouple minutes your met with a "COMINGGGHYYY" and he walks into your room.

"how do i look" you say and do a small spin. "amazing, want me take photos for your instagram?" he said.
"you know me so well" you giggled as he grabbed your phone and started taking photos. once he was done you grabbed your white heels and walked downstairs. putting the heels on and going to the rest of the boys.

you did them another jokey little spin "how do i look guys" chunks replied "OOOO YOU GONE GET BOYFRIEND GORL" cheering and hyping you up and the others came over hugging you and saying stuff like "you look great" or "you look gorgeous, have fun" you notice amelia stood with them all, a hand belonging to sharky snaked around her waist. she comes up to u "isn't that dress quite short? where are you going a restaurant or a strip club" she laughs at her own joke. yet you have finally had enough "you know what amelia. i've had enough of you. nobody likes you you stuck up barbie doll. like come on. if you showed abit of personality maybe some people could tolerate you. but i'm telling you now you must either be pretty or good at kissing because there isn't no way he *points at sharky* likes you for your personality *you look her up and down* or lucks. so before commenting on me, focus on this *you point at her face*" everyone is stood there mouth open, shocked. before amelia starts the waterworks and is burst our crying. sharky comes up to you. "APOLOGIES TO HER. NOW." "you want me to apologise?!" you say. "that's exactly what i want you to do" he fired back. "over my rich. hot. dead. body." you say, flipping him off and walking to the door
(yes stole that quote it was just the right time for it and it was perfect)

you check the clock by the wall. 6:30. the doorbell rings, you open it and see harry in a suit. "hey" he says and hands you a huge bouquet of flowers. "omg, how did you know these are my favourite?!" you say and he nods behind you, to we're niko is stood. niko winks at you both and goes upstairs. you step outside and get into harry's car to the restaurant. you guys chat and have a fun time while hours pass. you both order food eat it and you have acouple proseccos. nothing much though. you take some photos with and of eachother before you guys go back home. he drops you off and walks you to the door before giving you a kiss on the cheek "goodnight" he says and you follow it back with "night harry" before going inside.

niko is stood by the door looking at an imaginary watch. "YOU ARE 2:03 MINUTES LATE FROM YOUR CURFEW YOUNG MISSY. THAT BOY IS BAD NEWS YOUR BANNED FROM SEEING HIM"
niko shouts jokingly to you.
"NOOO PLEASEEEEE" you shout back before both of you start laughing and he gives you a hug. "how was it?" he says. "amazing, i'm really tired though so i will tell you about it tomorrow morning" you say as you take off your heels and let out a sigh of relief "okay goodnight bee" he says "goodnight nikky" you say and go up to bed. posting some photos before you go to sleep.

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caption: my favourite flowers, and a gorgeous dinner date with a gorgeous man? someone's got his passenger princess?? (if you can't tell, it's me 😘)
TAGGED- @wroteshaw 💗xx

@wroteshaw anytime beautiful 💗

@ohnosharky hope u had fun ig
< thankyou i did
> great.

@ameliaxoxo he deserves someone better. not a mean, rude girl 😪
< and sharky deserves someone better, not a stook up arrogant little girl.

@nikomilana: yes bee go girl glad you found someone who's not a player. glad you had fun. love 💕
<thsnkyou nikky, ik mee too haha , had great fun. love 💕
> user: they're nicknames for eachother are adorable omg. bestfriend goals
> @ohnosharky - and who's this player?
*liked be creator*

*load more comments*

a/n - sorry i haven't posted recently. who do we want to be with brianna? sharky? harry? or someone out of the blue. any suggestions on what i should do with the next paragraph?

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