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With months being spent at sea, Aera very quickly falls ill and forces Lyla to spend all of her time tending to her needs just as Daenerys tends to her dragons. The three beasts grow larger every day, and now frequently fly about the skies all on their own as their mother watches from the ship. Daenerys relies on the advice of Ser Jorah, for who else would she trust than a man who has become like a father?

As well as Aera, the Dothraki too become sea sick the moment they step foot on the poison water. The ships all carry a stench of vomit that only worsens Aera's condition.

Lyla does what she can, but it never seems to be enough. Her child never seems to be in a state of good health, no matter what Lyla does.

The land of Astaphor lie in front of their eyes in all of its beauty. Lyla is in awe of its marvel and wishes to share her joy with her daughter, but finds the child to be fast asleep.

The mother stays with her child for the day spent in Astaphor. She is unable to see the city itself, for her daughter is unable to be moved.

Only when Daenerys gets her Unsullied does Lyla carry Aera off the ship and onto a horse. Lyla is saddled right next to Daenerys, and their horses walk side by side in front of the army of now free men who fight for the Khalessi of their own free will.

The sprawling camp takes shape just outside the walls of Yunkai, a temporary city of tents and fires that radiates the energy of an army preparing for battle. The Dothraki warriors set up their distinct khalsars, their horses grazing nearby while they work together to establish their individual territories. The Unsullied, disciplined and efficient, create neat rows of tents with military precision, a testament to their training.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of camp life, Lyla finds herself aiding in the preparations, her determination fueled by the knowledge that their journey has brought them closer to their goal. Aera's condition remains a constant concern, but Lyla's resilience and unwavering devotion keep her going. She tends to her daughter's needs with the same tenderness and care she's shown throughout their journey, her love serving as a source of strength.

As evening falls, the camp takes on a different atmosphere. Torches are lit, casting flickering shadows that dance across the faces of warriors. The scent of roasting meat fills the air, a welcome respite after the long day's march. Lyla sits beside Aera, the child resting against her mother's chest as she sips from a cup of warm broth. The campfires illuminate their small corner of the world, creating a cocoon of comfort amidst the vastness.

Daenerys moves through the camp with purpose, her presence commanding respect and admiration from the soldiers who follow her lead. Her focus is unyielding, her determination unwavering as she consults with her advisors and oversees the final preparations. The dragons, perched atop a makeshift perch, survey the camp with keen interest, their presence a potent symbol of the power Daenerys wields.

Lyla's eyes follow Daenerys, her heart swelling with a mixture of pride and longing. There's an unspoken understanding between them, a connection that defies the chaos of their surroundings. Daenerys' gaze occasionally drifts toward Lyla and Aera, her eyes conveying a mixture of concern and warmth that doesn't go unnoticed by the redhead.

As the night deepens, the camp settles into an uneasy calm. The anticipation of what lies ahead hangs heavy in the air, a tension that's both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Lyla cradles Aera in her arms, her gaze fixed on the stars that twinkle above. She finds solace in their silent beauty, a reminder of the vastness of the world and the infinite possibilities that await.

Eventually, Daenerys approaches their corner of the camp, her steps deliberate yet gentle. She crouches beside them, her presence a soothing balm to Lyla's weary heart.

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