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Today, in a sunlit chamber adorned with Meereenese tapestries and vibrant silks, Lyla sits with her daughter Aera. The young girl has blossomed under her mother's care. Aera's once quiet demeanor has given way to moments of youthful exuberance, although she remains introspective, especially around strangers.

Lyla, dressed in a flowing gown of deep blue, sits on the chamber's terrace overlooking the city. She watches as Aera plays with a carved wooden toy, her silver-blonde hair dancing in the warm breeze.

Their morning is peaceful, a rarity in Meereen. The sounds of the city's bustling streets filter through the open windows, blending with the distant calls of street vendors. Daenerys, often consumed by her duties as Queen, has made it a point to ensure Lyla and Aera have moments of serenity amidst the chaos.

"Mother," Aera says softly, interrupting Lyla's thoughts as she looks up from her wooden toy.

Lyla turns her gaze to her daughter, her heart swelling with love.

"Yes, my sweet?"

"Can I go outside and play with the other children today?"

Lyla considers this request carefully, her protective instincts always at the forefront of her mind. Meereen, like any city, has its dangers. But she also understands the importance of Aera making friends and experiencing a semblance of a normal childhood.

"Of course, darling," Lyla replies with a gentle smile, "But stay within the palace grounds, and don't wander too far. I'll ask White Rat and Red Mutt to accompany you."

Aera nods, her small face lit up with a mix of excitement and gratitude.

"Thank you, Mother."

Lyla has learned the art of diplomacy, often accompanying Daenerys to council meetings and discussions with the city's nobility. She no longer shies away from expressing her opinions, though she does so with the same quiet grace that has become her trademark. Her insights, born from her unique perspective as a commoner who has ascended to a position of influence, have garnered respect among some of Meereen's leaders.

But it's not just the political arena where Lyla has grown. She has also found camaraderie with Missandei, Daenerys' trusted advisor and confidante. The two women have spent countless hours together, discussing everything from language and culture to personal dreams and aspirations. Missandei has become a cherished friend, a source of support and encouragement.

Lyla's mornings often start with quiet conversations with Missandei, who patiently teaches her the complexities of the Meereenese dialect and customs. It's a testament to Lyla's dedication that she has made significant progress, and her newfound linguistic skills have opened doors to deeper connections with the city's residents.

As the sun climbs higher in the sky, Lyla joins Daenerys in the palace's audience chamber. The Queen, resplendent in her flowing white gown, holds court as petitioners and advisors seek her counsel. Lyla watches her with admiration, proud to stand by her side in this new life they've forged together.

Dany's eyes light up as Lyla enters the room, as well as roam around her beautiful dress, wondering what it would be like to take it off.

Alas, the dreaming is brought to a stark halt as the news of the day is brought forth.

" The Sons of the Harpy?" Daenerys asks as she stares at the golden mask.

" Yes, Your Grace," Ser Barristan affirms," They left it on the body."

" They've never killed before."

" lt was only a matter of time, Your Grace. Conquerors always meet with resistance.

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