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Lyla's rule is marked by a commitment to peace, a departure from the harsh governance Meereen had experienced under Daenerys. She believes in diplomacy, in winning the hearts of the people rather than ruling by fear. The fighting pits, once arenas of bloodshed, are transformed into places of entertainment and celebration. The people respond, cautiously at first, to this shift in leadership. Some embrace the change, while others remain skeptical, clinging to the familiarity of the past.

As Lyla immerses herself in the affairs of the city, her thoughts are never far from Aera. The weight of responsibility for the safety and well-being of her daughter is a constant burden. Qorah, the former bloodrider with her tongue cut out, becomes Aera's guardian. It's a role she takes on with silent dedication, her eyes a constant watchful presence.

Lyla often steals moments to check in on Aera, to see the progress she's making in her studies, and simply to reassure herself that her daughter is safe. Qorah, despite her lack of voice, communicates with a subtle language of gestures and expressions, assuring Lyla that Aera is well cared for.

One evening, as the sun sets over Meereen, Lyla finds herself in the quiet sanctuary of her chambers, reviewing scrolls and reports. Varys enters silently, as is his way, and Lyla looks up from her work.

"Any news?" She asks, her voice reflecting the weariness of someone carrying the weight of a city on their shoulders.

Varys shakes his head, "Nothing of concern for the moment, Lady Lyla. Your measures for peace are resonating with the people."

Lyla leans back, a deep sigh escaping her, "But it's not enough, is it? Daenerys had a way of inspiring people. I'm just trying to keep things from falling apart."

Varys, perceptive as always, studies her for a moment before responding, "Leadership takes different forms, Lady Lyla. You may not be Daenerys, but that might be your greatest strength. You bring a different perspective, a different approach. Meereen is a city of diverse voices, and they may find solace in a ruler who listens as much as she commands."

Tyrion, entering the room with a small stack of parchments, chimes in, "Varys is right. You're charting a different course, and that's not a bad thing. Daenerys would be proud of what you're trying to achieve."

Lyla manages a faint smile, grateful for the encouragement, "I just hope it's enough."

Tyrion places the parchments on the table and takes a seat, "Stability takes time, Lady Lyla. King's Landing wasn't built in a day, and Meereen won't be rebuilt in one either."

Later, as the moon hangs high in the sky, Lyla decides to check on Aera. The halls are quiet as she walks towards the chambers where her daughter resides. Qorah is there, ever watchful, and Aera is engrossed in a book, a small smile playing on her lips.

Under the advice of Tyrion, Lyla has presented an invitation to the slavers, to have them visit the golden city of Meereen, much to the disdain of Missandei and Grey Worm.

" We came here to meet the queen and instead we're greeted by a dwarf, a eunuch, and a lowly bastard girl playing queen for a day," Master Yezzan all but sneers as they meet at the top of the pyramid.

" Let's make this simple, shall we? Tell me what you want," Tyrion utters with a goblet of wine in hand in order to keep the conversation going smoothly.

Alas, the only thing the masters want is for the Targaryen Queen to leave Slaver's Bay entirely.

" When we last met, I offered her ships so she could return to Westeros where she belongs. She refused them," The master adds.

" She refused them because hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children still lived in chains," Missandei utters, her posture straight in her chair.

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