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Mereen sprawls before Lyla like a mesmerizing tapestry, both ancient and vibrant. Its sandstone walls stand tall, weathered by centuries of history, and the city's heart pulses with life as merchants hawk their wares and children chase one another through the narrow streets. Lyla has known many homes in her life, but Meereen promises to be a place of unexpected beginnings.

The Great Pyramid, towering over the city like a sentinel, is her new abode. It's a symbol of power and a testament to the legacy of the Targaryens, and now it houses Daenerys and her growing entourage. As Lyla enters its cool, dimly lit corridors, she's struck by a sense of awe and trepidation. This is where she will live, where she will watch over Aera, and where she will navigate the intricacies of a city foreign to her.

Daenerys has been true to her word. Lyla's chambers are comfortable and well-appointed, with silken curtains that billow in the breeze and a view that overlooks Meereen's bustling streets. It's a far cry from the destitution she has known in her earlier years, and Lyla can't help but feel a sense of wonder at how her life has changed.

Aera, her precious daughter, has been given a room adjacent to her own. It's a small haven filled with colorful tapestries, soft cushions, and a bed adorned with sheets as soft as a cloud. Lyla can't contain her delight as she watches Aera explore her new surroundings, the child's eyes wide with wonder.

"Look, Mama!" Aera exclaims, her voice filled with excitement, as she holds up a seashell she has discovered among her things.

Lyla crouches down to her daughter's level, her heart swelling with love.

"That's beautiful, sweetie," She replies, brushing a lock of silver hair away from Aera's face, "Just like you."

Aera beams and her laughter fills the room. It's a sound Lyla cherishes, a testament to the happiness they have found amidst the turmoil of their lives. She knows that Mereen holds both promise and challenges, but in this moment, as she watches Aera's eyes dance with joy, Lyla feels a sense of peace she has long yearned for.

But peace can only last for so long when a war is on the horizon, a war that seems to be closer than ever once Ser Jorah's mouth opens during the Queen's Small Council meeting.

"King Joffrey Baratheon is dead. Murdered at his own wedding."

Lyla's eyes widen just the slightest as her back involuntarily straightens at the table.

" And we'νe taken the Mereenese navy, Your Grace," Ser Barristan adds.

" The Second Sons took the navy," Daario interjects.

" Who told you to?" Daenerys asks.

" No one."

" So why did you do it?"

" l heard you liked ships."

" How many ships?"

" 93, Your Grace."

" How many men can they carry?"

" 9,300, not counting sailors."

" Would that be enough to take King's Landing?" Daenerys asks.

" The Lannisters haνe more," Ser Jorah responds.

" They'νe been fighting Joffrey's wars for years," Ser Barristan adds," They're tired, dispersed. And now their king is dead. 8,000 Unsullied, 2,000 Second Sons sailing into Blackwater Bay and storming the gates without warning."

" It's hard to say. lt could be enough. But we're not fighting to make you queen of King's Landing," Ser Jorah recounters," 10,000 men can't conquer Westeros."

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