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The days without Daenerys drag on, each one heavier than the last. Lyla, Tyrion, and Varys, along with the Unsullied, do their best to keep Meereen from descending into chaos. Jorah and Daario are still out searching for the missing Queen and her dragon, and Lyla's heart aches from their absence, but she can't afford to dwell on it.

The city is like a ticking time bomb. The Sons of the Harpy still lurk in the shadows, their presence a constant threat. Meereen's citizens, many of whom had initially welcomed Daenerys, grow restless and fearful. The sound of discontent is a constant hum in the background, like a swarm of bees threatening to descend upon the city.

Lyla, with Aera often at her side, works tirelessly to fill the void left by Daenerys. She holds meetings with the city's leaders, attempting to maintain the fragile peace her Queen had established. Her resolve is unyielding, her determination unwavering, but she's painfully aware of her limitations. She isn't a Queen, just a stand-in for the real power that should be guiding the city.

Varys is a constant presence by her side, offering advice and intelligence gathered from his vast network of informants. His role as a spymaster is undeniable, and while Lyla appreciates his insights, she can't help but wonder about his true intentions. She's heard enough about the games played in Westeros, and she's unsure if Varys can be trusted.

One evening, as the sun sets over Meereen, Lyla, Tyrion, and Varys convene in the Great Pyramid, where they've been holding most of their meetings. A map of the city is spread out before them, marked with the locations of recent Sons of the Harpy attacks.

Varys, his expression unreadable as always, points to a cluster of red dots on the map, "These are the most recent attacks. They're growing bolder, striking closer to the heart of the city."

Lyla nods, a deep furrow in her brow, "We can't let this continue. We need to find Daenerys. Her presence alone would quell much of this unrest."

Aera, who's been quietly observing the conversation, chimes in with innocence and wisdom.

"Do you think she'll be okay, Mama?"

Lyla smiles at her daughter, brushing a strand of silver hair away from her face, "I believe in her, Aera. She's strong, and she's survived worse than this."

Varys interjects, "You're right, Lady Lyla. We must have faith."

The room falls into a tense silence. The night has cast its shadow over Meereen, and the weight of Daenerys' absence is suffocating. The decision hangs in the air like a heavy cloud.

Varys, who is often reticent about revealing his own thoughts, breaks the silence, "We must also consider the political climate in Westeros. Daenerys is a contender for the Iron Throne, and her absence might encourage her enemies."

Tyrion adds, "Tommen Baratheon is the King on the Iron Throne, but his rule is shaky at best. The High Sparrow's influence is growing, and I'm not sure that's any better than Cersei's."

Lyla, her brow furrowed in thought, leans over the map and places her finger on Meereen.

"Before we can even think about Westeros, we must stabilize Meereen. I need to focus on keeping this city from falling apart."

Varys nods in agreement, "Wise words, Lady Lyla. I'll do my best to gather information and ensure the safety of this city."

Tyrion offers a reassuring smile, "And I'll do my best to advise you on matters of governance and politics."

The room plunges into another silence, the only sounds the distant murmurs of the city outside, a city in need of a guiding hand, a city waiting for its Queen to return.

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