Chapter 33 From This Day Forward

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This is now a completed work. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will continue to publish Hope Is a Waking Dream on this site, but a few chapters will probably be made private. If you would like to read these stories and more, unedited follow me on AO3- pharmtechgirl71. I may not publish anything new here, because I feel this website should not tell you what you should/should not be reading. If you have a trigger, don't read it. If you don't like bad language, don't read it, etc. Thank you for enduring my rant. Here is the last chapter of this story. Please let me know what you think. -Barbara

Chapter 33

From This Day Forward

When the wedding march started, Paul led her arm in arm into the sanctuary. They paused at the entry and she saw him with her own eyes. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo. She knew he was itching to get out of it, but was also willing to endure the torture if it would make this day special for them. He had gotten a haircut, not anything drastic, but it was out of his eyes and off his shoulders. Beside him stood Rick and Michael, co-best men followed by T-Dog, Phillip and Carl.

When they arrived at the altar, Paul gave her hand to Daryl, kissed her on the cheek, and took a step back. Daryl lightly squeezed her hand and whispered, "You look beautiful." When Reverend Porter cleared his throat, the bride and groom dropped their hands and faced forward. Reverend Porter started the ceremony, but Daryl and Yvonne were too nervous to listen. They knew and understood what to listen for and just let the moment take them. When the preacher asked who gave this woman to this man, Paul took a step forward and Michael stepped out of line. "I do, as her father," Paul said with pride. "And me too, as her son," the boy said loudly, causing everyone to stifle their giggles. They took the traditional vows, feeling that they had already expressed their true love for each other, and besides, Daryl still wasn't confident with words. He was afraid of embarrassing himself and his wife. For all the work and energy that was put into making this moment happen, it didn't last long. Fifteen minutes later, they were pronounced husband and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Dixon were introduced to the world. Then he kissed her, all the men whooped and hollered and the women clapped and cried. They made their way back down the aisle followed by Michael, Rick and Lori, T-Dog and Jackie, Phillip and Carol, and Carl and Sophia. The newlyweds were ushered into a stretch Rolls Royce, procured by T-Dog and taken to the reception hall, while the wedding party and guests followed.

"I love you Mrs. Dixon," Daryl said and was on top of her as soon as the door to the Rolls was shut. He kissed her deeply and passionately, his tongue wrapping around her. "Fuck, I want to take you right here, right now. Think I can get the driver to pull over for fifteen minutes?" he asked as his lips and tongue trailed done her neck.

"We can't do that Mr. Dixon, we have people waiting on us. Besides, I'm not prepared. You'll have to wait until tonight." Daryl was desperately trying to get his hands up her dress.

"You're not prepared? Give me two minutes, I can get you prepared," he said against her skin. She lifted his head and smiled sweetly.

"It wouldn't take two minutes, but I really want to make tonight special. I have plans Mr. Dixon, and you're not going to spoil them. I just hope you like it."

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